Access claims relationships still exist... but I deleted all of th



I'm trying to resize field lengths in a bunch of my tables, because I wanted
to get the design down before I edited field sizes (we really weren't sure at
the time how long they needed to be)

well, now I have deleted all the relationships from the relationship window,
and even deleted all the tables from the relationships window.... i still
can't resize the fields because access claims that relationships still exist!
What's going on!!?!?

Thanks for the help!


Go to the Relationship window and go to Relationships, Show All on the menu.
See if something more shows up.

Is the database split? Make sure that you are changing things in the back end.

Also make sure to use the vertical and horizontal scroll bars as some of the
tables might be a little off screen.

John Vinson

I'm trying to resize field lengths in a bunch of my tables, because I wanted
to get the design down before I edited field sizes (we really weren't sure at
the time how long they needed to be)

well, now I have deleted all the relationships from the relationship window,
and even deleted all the tables from the relationships window.... i still
can't resize the fields because access claims that relationships still exist!
What's going on!!?!?

Deleting the table icons does NOT delete the relationships - to do so
you need to select the *join line* and delete it.

There may be other relationships not showing up - the Lookup Wizard is
notorious for creating "hidden" relationships. You can use this small
tactical nuclear device to clean out all of the relationships in your
entire database (you'll need to recreate them later of course):

Sub KillAllRelations()
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rel As Relation
Dim inti As Integer
Set db = DBEngine(0)(0)
For inti = db.Relations.Count - 1 To 0 Step -1
Set rel = db.Relations(inti)
Debug.Print "Deleting relation "; _
rel.Name, rel.Table, rel.ForeignTable
db.Relations.Delete rel.Name
Next inti
End Sub

John W. Vinson[MVP]

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