Access 2003 Packaging & Deployment Wizard for Vista Install

  • Thread starter Thread starter Di Cook
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Di Cook

Have had no problems installing on XP but Vista is different.

For Vista Installations I have 2 queries:

Believe I should be installing my program and associated files in the
CommonAppDataFolder and that seems to correspond with the ProgramData folder
when installed on Vista. However, when the front end is installed in
ProgramData folder, the operator can't perform a compact/repair on the front
end file??

Using the PDW how/where do I set up the installation of the back end data
file? This needs to be accessible by all uses and don't want to run into
the "virtualising" problem.
Hi Di,

I'm fairly certain that Vista does not allow users to write files to the
ProgramData folder, so you'll need to pick a new folder, such as
C:\YourAppName or %Appuser%.

The BE file should be installed to a shared folder on a file server. Each
user should have CRWD privileges on this folder.

Tom Wickerath
Microsoft Access MVP


Have had no problems installing on XP but Vista is different.

For Vista Installations I have 2 queries:

Believe I should be installing my program and associated files in the
CommonAppDataFolder and that seems to correspond with the ProgramData folder
when installed on Vista. However, when the front end is installed in
ProgramData folder, the operator can't perform a compact/repair on the front
end file??

Using the PDW how/where do I set up the installation of the back end data
file? This needs to be accessible by all uses and don't want to run into the
"virtualising" problem.
Hi Tom,

Thanks so much for replying. I think you're right about the ProgramData
folder but I read an article saying Access Systems should be installed in
this folder and not in the root directory in Vista. Is %Appuser% equivalent
to User AppData as the "Root Installation folder" in the Packaging Wizard??
I remember also reading somewhere that if you install programs to the User
AppData folder only that user can use the program and a totally new install
is necessary if another person wants to use program on the same computer.
The BE file should be installed to a shared folder on a file server. Each
user should have CRWD privileges on this folder.>

It really is a problem for me to install user permissions manually as most
of my systems are installed remotely by users.

Have to admit XP was a doddle in comparision to Vista. Appreciate you reply
Tom and hope you don't mind me annoying you further.

Best wishes
Hi Di,
...but I read an article saying Access Systems should be installed in
this folder and not in the root directory in Vista.

When I wrote "C:\YourAppName", I meant that "YourAppName" is the name of the
folder that your application would be added to, not that it would be hanging
directly off the root drive. Sorry for the confusion.
Is %Appuser% equivalent to User AppData as the "Root Installation folder"
in the Packaging Wizard??

I don't know, because to be honest, I've never had a need to use the
Packaging Wizard. On my Windows 2000 PC (yes, I'm *so* last century <grin>)
and on my Windows XP PC at work, the %Appuser% folder is the same as:

C:\Documents And Settings\NTUserID\Application Data

where NTUserID is one's NT UserName.

I believe you are correct that installing to %Appuser% would make the
program available to only the user who installs the program. If that is a
problem, then install to the C:\YourAppName folder.
It really is a problem for me to install user permissions manually as most
of my systems are installed remotely by users.

The BE should be installed by a network administrator. Someone who knows
what CRWD privileges for everyone means, without giving you that "deer in the
headlights" look.

Tom Wickerath
Microsoft Access MVP
Hi Tom,

Thanks for replying again!!

Just to make sure we're both understanding each other. From what I've read,
I believe we shouldn't install Vista programs in a folder that is located in
the root directory. C:\YourAppName suggests to me that I'm saving my files
in a folder that is in the root directory. Am I still confused?

According to the Packaging Wizard 'User AppData' would translate as
C:\Documents and Settings\<UserName>\Application Data\<YourAppNameFolder> so
I guess it is the same as %Appuser%. I set up a new install using the 'User
AppData' install folder but when I tried installing it it bombs out and I
get an error message saying that it cannot install one of its required
products. When I use the old time "Program Files" folder the system will
install. It will also install to the 'Common AppData' option which
according to the PDW translates to C:\Documents and Settings\All
Users\Application Data\<YourAppNameFolder>. Only problem is you can't
compact/repair in these folders and the BE has to stored elsewhere. It
looks to me that the PDW can only install to one folder or children under
this folder.

Tom, sorry I'm raving on but I'm going around in circles. I've searched the
net trying to find a definitive answer to using the PDW to install Access
2003 DB & runtimes on Vista and I'm finding a lot of info that contradicts
other info. I've read many times that we're not supposed to install
programs into the \Program Files folder on Vista but the MS example of
Deploying the Access 2007 Runtime (which must surely be intended for Vista)
shows the Root install folder as Program Files, refer

I'm going to call it a night but really appreciate the time you have given
Sorry to pick this up so late....

A few things:

I would actually consider making a separate directory in drive c: for the
front end. (eg: c:\myApp\)

Additionally, if that's not workable, then I suggest placing the front end
in the application data....


C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application

from the wizard, that is "common app data" all users.

I *very* strongly suggest you adopt the SAME setup that works for both win
xp, and vista. That way, you don't spend precious support dollars trying to
maintain two installs....
I've read many times that we're not supposed to install

the problem here is that with ms-access you often talking about a program,
and SOME data.

If you having trouble with the "common app data" folder (which should work
fine for both xp/vista), then just start using a custom folder in drive c,
and be done with this..(eg: c:\myApp).
Hi Albert,

Thanks for replying. I settled on using the LocalAppData directory setting which installs a folder in the root directory as per my last note. I copy both the front and back end to this folder and it is working very well - it can be used by all "authenticated users" which is what we generally want. Seems like we going back 10 years with this approach but it is working.

BTW I'm using your Word merge code and it's ported over very well into Vista.

Thanks again for taking an interest.
