
I am experiencing a strange problem with my 2003 db and am wondering if the
Hot Fix for SP3 will cure it. I'm not sure how long I've had the problem
because I've not edited any of the Forms in a while.

When I try to SAVE a Form (the Form has multiple combo boxes to lookup id
number or name or department), the application just sits there...Task Manager
says it's not running. After ending the Program, I get a "Record Locking
Information" icon on my desktop. I don't have any Record Locking on. I'm not
sure what this is or why it appears.

I'm running Vista with Office Professional 2003...therefore Access 2003.

I am able to make changes on other Forms, on Reports, and on the underlying

Does this sound like something the SP3 Hot Fix will cure? Or might there be
another reason for this problem?

I sure appreciate the help this Forum provides. Thanks.

Jerry Whittle

It sounds more like a permissions issue. Are any of the database files out on
a network server? If so you need read, write, create, delete and/or modify
privileges to both the database files AND the entire folder that they are in.


The database is on a stand-alone PC with only one user. No network involved.

If I can make changes to other Forms, and various Reports, Queries, and the
Table, I can't figure out why trying to change (and SAVE) this particular
Form causes the application to crash.

Even if I simply open the Form in Design Mode and click on SAVE without
actually making any change, it crashes the Application.

Jerry Whittle

In a word: Corruption. That form, and maybe other objects, are corrupted.

At times like this, nothing beats a good backup. In fact make a complete
backup of your database now and put it away for safe keeping.

Tony Toews has an excellent web page on database corruption.

Allen Brown also has excellent info on corruption.

I have a white paper in a Word document named Fix Corrupt Access Database
towards the bottom this page:

As as far as updates and service packs, they are usually a very good thing
to install. SP3 did have a few problems itself, but I would still recommend


Service Pack #3 is installed.

We back up every day...religiously.

I'll take a look at the articles on corruption.

Here's another piece of info that may help point to what's causing this one
Form to crash the Application.

My home PC is running Vista and I have Access 2003 with Service Pack 3 AND
the Hot Fix to SP3 installed.

The database that has a problem runs fine on my home PC.

But, as I mentioned, it crashes on the office PC.

I took a copy of the db and installed it on a third PC (running XP with
Access 2003/SP3 and without the Hot Fix. It crashed as soon as I tried to
save the troublesome Form.

Is it at all possible that the Hot fix would cure the problem? Is there any
downside to installing the Hot Fix?

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