A Thank You



Hello All;

I just want to officially express my gratitiude to this group and to the
members who have helped me throughout the years. I really do appreciate your
insights and willingness to share your experience.

Once again, thank you.

Jeff S

I would like to "second" that with a big Thank You! as well to all the help
I've gotten from this/these news groups and to the MVPs and others with
helpful and specific guidance.

I'd also like to extend Joe's Thank You...

public class JeffThankYou : JoeThankYou {} ha ha

....specifically to Microsoft who makes all this possible. Microsoft takes a
bunch of flack for all sorts of things. But I never forget who has made all
this even possible!

So here's a big Thank You! to all the employees at Microsoft!


Alvin Bruney - ASP.NET MVP

This message sounds ominous ?!?
ya, like there is a big BUT in there somewhere. relax, i think it's just a
thank you. nothing more.

Alvin Bruney [MVP ASP.NET]

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