A Registry Editor that's not stuck in the Stone Age?


Dave F.

Using XP.

I'm after (preferably freeware) a registry editor that allows me to
search for a certain text string through the whole of the registry &
display all results in a dialog instead of asking me to press F3 after
every find.

Does such a program exist?

Thanks for your help.

Dave F.

Newbie Coder


You can use Regedit to do that via the command line. Just specify a text file
where you want the results to be placed

Search Microsoft for RegEdit Command Line Switches & you'll have the answer

On the other hand:

To build a registry editor using the .NET Framework to do what you require is
very simple & can be done in around 40 lines of code. Download one of the Visual
Studio.NET Express versions FREE from http://msdn.microrsoft.com & code it

For another approach search Google for one or places like
http://www.download.com or http://www.freedownloadscenter.com/ etc


Dave F. said:
Using XP.

I'm after (preferably freeware) a registry editor that allows
me to
search for a certain text string through the whole of the
registry &
display all results in a dialog instead of asking me to press
F3 after
every find.

Does such a program exist?

Thanks for your help.

Dave F.

You might want to try this program.

RegScanner v1.51 - Registry Scanner

Good luck


Dave F.

Newbie said:

You can use Regedit to do that via the command line. Just specify a text file
where you want the results to be placed

Search Microsoft for RegEdit Command Line Switches & you'll have the answer
On the other hand:

To build a registry editor using the .NET Framework to do what you require is
very simple & can be done in around 40 lines of code. Download one of the Visual
Studio.NET Express versions FREE from http://msdn.microrsoft.com & code it

So I'd just have to download the software, install it, learn how to use
it, learn a new programming language to right code that manipulates one
of the most sensitive areas of the computer.
How many times have you been told to back up the registry before editing it?

My days of reinventing the wheel are long gone.
For another approach search Google for one or places like
http://www.download.com or http://www.freedownloadscenter.com/ etc

Are you aware http://www.freedownloadscenter.com is flagged as red by
McAffe site advisor? & predominately offers time limited trials of
commercial software?

Uncle Grumpy

Newbie Coder said:
On the other hand:

To build a registry editor using the .NET Framework to do what you require is
very simple & can be done in around 40 lines of code. Download one of the Visual
Studio.NET Express versions FREE from http://msdn.microrsoft.com & code it

I'm beginning to think that you're a moron (not intellectually, just

Answers like that one are of no help to 99.99999999 % of the users

Newbie Coder

You have to be careful with the utilities from Nirsoft as a few of them are
picked up as hack tools...

Newbie Coder

Dave F.,

I have never downloaded anything from the Free Downloads Center website. I just
see it's list in a few search results I perform, hence I mentioned it

Newbie Coder
(It's just a name)

Newbie Coder


I have never seen you help anyone either

If the user looked at my original reply & searched for the command line switches
for regedit then they can put their results in a text file...

Newbie Coder


Just because you started when XP came out it doesn't mean we all did. Some of us
started back in Windows 3.1 & progressed through the OS'

You'd be better to download an HTML editor & learn ASP.NET or just some basic
database programming because HTML websites are in the 'stone age' now, you know?
Oh sorry, I guess you have only just heard that


For the record:

Another unsatisfied user reported another tweak from your site never worked.
They are continuing to grow daily.

Kelly - DTS. Very useful :))

Newbie Coder
(It's just a name)

John John

That is silly, Nirsoft has very good free tools. Do you have a grudge
against the guy or are you trying to discredit him somehow?

On the other hand you should be careful with GM cars, some of them are
used as getaway cars in bank robberies...


Uwe Sieber

Newbie said:
You have to be careful with the utilities from Nirsoft as a few of them are
picked up as hack tools...

Please stop to post such nonsense warnings. In contrast to you, who
is hiding behind a pseudonyme, Nir Sofer is a real person who
offers a lot of useful tools for free (again in contrast to you) and,
yes, some of them are made to crack weak password mechanisms but this
does not make them 'hacker tools'.

RegScanner is exactely the OP asked for, so please stop to run
down the postings of real helpful people.

I know I should not feed the trolls. Sorry group.


Uwe Sieber said:
In contrast to you, who is hiding behind a pseudonyme,

Sorry, I tend to agree with the substance of your post but no way can I
let that ridiculous comment pass. Using a pseudonym in usenet is a
standard security measure and merely means the person doing so is a bit
more concerned about security matters than those who don't.

Newbie Coder

John John,

On the Nirsoft site it is written on their page about virus scanners picking up
some of their utilities as hack tools

I like their programs & use the Protected Storage utility, but 'pspv.exe' is
picked up on a realtime scan

Newbie Coder



Known Problems
False Alert Problems: Some Antivirus programs detect Mail PassView utility as
infected with Trojan/Virus.




Known Problems
False Alert Problems: Some Antivirus programs detect Protected Storage PassView
utility as infected with Trojan/Virus.
Recent update: Norton Antivirus detect Protected Storage Passview as an hack


Newbie said:
You have to be careful with the utilities from Nirsoft as a few of them are
picked up as hack tools...

Only by some anti-virus programs that report false positives. They have
a 100% clean virus/malware site. But many of the anti-virus programmers
continually ignore their emails to fix their programs that give false

Uwe Sieber

XS11E said:
Sorry, I tend to agree with the substance of your post but no way can I
let that ridiculous comment pass. Using a pseudonym in usenet is a
standard security measure and merely means the person doing so is a bit
more concerned about security matters than those who don't.

My point is that someone who uses his real name wants to
keep up his good name, while a pseudo man has nothing to
keep up.
Using the real name makes you think twice before pressing
the send button or publishing software.

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