A good Windows XP book [?]




What would be a good Windows XP book for someone familiar with Win
95/98 and NT4? I'm looking for deeper information than just "click
here - click there".

TIA, Eugene


You really have to go to a good book shop and look for your self.
Different books suit different people in different ways. I have
Microsoft Windows XP Inside Out by Ed Bott and Carl Siechert, published
by Microsoft Press but there are many others that may suit you better.

Dick Mahar

GreenieLeBrun said:
You really have to go to a good book shop and look for your self.
Different books suit different people in different ways. I have
Microsoft Windows XP Inside Out by Ed Bott and Carl Siechert, published
by Microsoft Press but there are many others that may suit you better.

I am OK with the Sybex book, it is between too simple and too tough. It has
worked for me so far.>

Ken Blake

Eugene said:
What would be a good Windows XP book for someone familiar with
95/98 and NT4? I'm looking for deeper information than just
here - click there".

Everybody has different tastes in this sort of thing, but *my*
favorite, by far, is "Windows XP Inside Out," by Bott, Siechert,
and Stinson.

Mike Fields

Ken Blake said:

Everybody has different tastes in this sort of thing, but *my*
favorite, by far, is "Windows XP Inside Out," by Bott, Siechert,
and Stinson.

Another nice thing about the "Inside and Out" book (I also have it)
is it has a CD-ROM with it with the entire book as an ebook --
nice to put on your machine (even better with a laptop). Another
book I like is "Windows XP Hacks - tips & tools for optimizing
our OS" by Preston Gralla (O'Reilly books). One of the few
books of this type I have actually read the whole thing (of course
it is all a bunch of short things so that makes it easier). Quite
a few cute little tools and tips - like using the virtual desktop from
M$ (free - powertools thing).



Believe it or not, many of my clients read/own the books for dummies in
yellow (Windows for Dummies or something similar). I don't own any here,
but do own the others listed by the rest (gifted by the authors) and I have
to say after skimming through the above mentioned, not bad at all in


All the Best,
Kelly (MS-MVP)

Troubleshooting Windows XP

Don Phillipson

What would be a good Windows XP book for someone familiar with Win
95/98 and NT4? I'm looking for deeper information than just "click
here - click there".

Simple general method:
1. Collect 4 or 6 significant questions or tasks.
2. Go shopping and start browsing, in particular
looking in indices for answers to your questions.
Each solution counts $5; each bright idea (that
you had not thought of but will probably use)
counts $5.
3. When you have in your hands a manual you
generally like, that scores more than its price,
buy it and go home.

Alan Smith

Don Phillipson said:
Simple general method:
1. Collect 4 or 6 significant questions or tasks.
2. Go shopping and start browsing, in particular
looking in indices for answers to your questions.
Each solution counts $5; each bright idea (that
you had not thought of but will probably use)
counts $5.
3. When you have in your hands a manual you
generally like, that scores more than its price,
buy it and go home.

Or how about a facility called the library? Try them.

Stanislaw Flatto

Eugene said:

What would be a good Windows XP book for someone familiar with Win
95/98 and NT4? I'm looking for deeper information than just "click
here - click there".

TIA, Eugene

Just curious, as I could not make sense of your subject, are you looking
for "good WindowsXP" or a "good book" about WindowsXP;^)

Happy hunting on both items.

Have fun

Slack user from Ulladulla.

Mike Fields

Stanislaw Flatto said:
Just curious, as I could not make sense of your subject, are you looking
for "good WindowsXP" or a "good book" about WindowsXP;^)

Happy hunting on both items.

Have fun

Slack user from Ulladulla.
Ooooooo - cheap shot, cheap shot !!
Maybe we should "grep" something and feed it to "awk" ??


Eugene F.

<<< books for dummies in yellow (Windows for Dummies or something
similar) >>>

It is probably snobbish (and may be even childish) but I can not bring
myself to purchase Dummies or Idiot series books regardless of the
quality of their content.

Ken Blake

<<< books for dummies in yellow (Windows for Dummies or
similar) >>>

It is probably snobbish (and may be even childish) but I can
not bring
myself to purchase Dummies or Idiot series books regardless of
quality of their content.

I'm with you! I find their titles insulting and refuse to buy
anything with a name like that, even though I'm assured by many
people that they are often very good.

I thought mine was a one-man boycott, but I'm glad to see that
there are two of us.

Mike Fields

Ken Blake said:
I'm with you! I find their titles insulting and refuse to buy
anything with a name like that, even though I'm assured by many
people that they are often very good.

I thought mine was a one-man boycott, but I'm glad to see that
there are two of us.

At least 3 of us ...



Whatever it takes......however, these books are good, seriously. Have your
teens buy them for you or have them mail ordered. How can you knock what
you haven't tried, Eugene? Keep in mind that it took someone who has been
where you are to write them and not necessarily at the beginners level.


All the Best,
Kelly (MS-MVP)

Troubleshooting Windows XP


| <<< books for dummies in yellow (Windows for Dummies or something
| similar) >>>
| It is probably snobbish (and may be even childish) but I can not bring
| myself to purchase Dummies or Idiot series books regardless of the
| quality of their content.

Maybe even dumbish, except for the risk of XP-radiation poisoning.

Ken Blake

Kelly said:
Sad to hear, Ken. Ever heard of the old saying, "Never judge a
by its cover"?

LOL! Sure, but I'm not *judging* the books. Many people whose
opinions I respect have told me the books are often good, and I
believe them. I'm reacting to the insult that the publisher has
offered me and its other potential customers.

If you want to try to sell me a book, don't do it by telling me
"here's something that even someone as dumb as you can
understand." I don't react well to such an offer.

Mike Fields

Yeah, I know ... must be a "guy thing" or something.
I'll have to order one in a plain brown wrapper or
something ! ;-) Actually, I think I do have a couple
of the "for dummies" books around here, just not
on computer stuff (maybe someone could write one
for men on how to understand women ??) ;-)


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