a few more clues



OK, I ran the security wizard again but when it comes to
the option of making the workgroup info file a short cut
or a default I chose default and it seemed to work fine.

However, I now have to enter passwords anytime I want to
run one of my many databases(when I only want a password
on one database). In addition, when someone logs on from
another computer and opens the Access program on the
shared drive they do not have to enter a pass the program
just opens.

So, two questions. 1) I would rather not have the work
group as a default, but I get the error messages explained
in the first posting if I do so how can I fix this and 2)
why is it when I use the default workgroup everything runs
fine on my computer (I access a shared drive, click on the
access icon, it ask for a password, I enter it, the
program run perfectly)but if someone else enters the
shared drive from another computer and clicks on the
Access icon it automatically runs the program without
asking for a password?.

You help is greatly appreciated

Joan Wild

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Be sure to follow every step outlined or your database won't be secure.

During the wizard you chose to make your new workgroup file the default one
to use. So that is what it is doing - every session will use that workgroup
by default. Use Start, Run, wrkgadm.exe and rejoin the mdw that ships with
Access (system.mdw usually in the windows system folder).

For your secure database you would create a desktop shortcut that specifies
the secure mdw to use for that session. The target would have
"path to msaccess.exe" "path to mdb" /wrkgrp "path to mdw"
in it.

Finally, since on another computer that is still joined to system.mdw by
default, you are able to open your 'secure' mdb, then it hasn't been secured
properly. The wizard in 2000 doesn't do a complete job, and you shouldn't
rely on it.

Read/study the FAQ.

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