3 value chart l w h comparison 20$ paypal gift card



Hi guys, here is the problem below is the 3 value chart for Boeing
747-400 side door, As you may see
Height, Length and Width are the factors determining factors. All I
need is by entering L W H (i.e 420Lx 86W x 96H) figures on the side
then excel to decide if this piece would fit through the 747 Side door.
for a better looking file please check out
As I promised whomever gives me correct formula first i will send a
20$ paypal e-mail.


Height width 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90
95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 134
118 438 412 388 367 347 331 315
302 290 280 269 259 249 239 228 219
208 198 188 179 169 161 152 144 137
116 465 434 408 363 386 346 329
314 300 299 278 368 257 248 237 228
218 208 197 188 178 169 159 151 145
114 492 458 429 381 404 361 342
326 311 299 287 277 266 256 246 237
227 217 206 196 186 177 165 158 153
112 512 47 444 392 417 370 350
334 318 306 293 282 271 261 251 242
232 222 211 202 192 182 171 163 157
110 531 492 459 402 429 380 358
342 325 312 299 287 276 266 255 246
237 226 216 207 197 187 177 168 161
108 550 509 441 414 441 391 369
350 332 318 304 293 281 271 260 251
241 231 221 212 202 192 182 173 165
106 561 525 486 424 455 399 375
356 339 326 310 297 286 275 264 254
244 234 224 215 205 196 185 176 170
104 572 543 500 435 468 409 384
363 346 333 316 303 291 279 268 258
248 239 228 219 209 199 189 181 175
102 582 561 533 445 505 418 393
373 354 338 322 309 296 284 273 263
252 243 233 224 214 204 192 185 180
100 588 574 528 457 492 428 400
378 360 346 328 313 300 288 277 267
256 246 235 227 216 207 197 188 183
98 594 586 542 468 505 438 408
386 367 353 334 318 304 292 280 270
260 250 238 230 219 210 202 192 186
0-96 600 600 556 480 517 447 418
395 373 355 338 323 309 297 285 275
264 254 242 232 222 213 204 196 192


What are the dimesions of the side door? Does this list show item sizes? Dous
this need to be a userform or does it need to calculate a whole sheet like
the one provided?


These are the max size of a piece can fit thru this door for example

Height 76inches Length 600inches Width 20 inches piece according to
this table should fit through this door. but 25 inches of width would
not. so i need excel to display fit or no fit when
i put in cells 76 600 20



Hi Mr. Airguy,

This do not answer exactly the problem but it may help you check the
integrity of your sent data sheet. please see cell N4 before we can have the
formula built up.

happy holidays hohoho


please see D6,F6 also,
if only Gary''s student can give me the macro for visual checking of data
gradient coloring for integrity check, this type of worksheet can be easily
validated first before preparing a formula.

happy holidays hohoho


Happy Holidays,

Value on cell N4 is correct but i am not sure what do you mean by
problem with integrity, as per answer by Nick Hodge 600 x 20 x 96
should display yes but it displays no. If needed actual dimensions of
747 side door is 134.2 inches wide and 119 inches high.



summary data ver cells
D5, E7,E11,L4?,N4,F3:G61
i hope thats all...

happy holidays hohoho
4pinoy driller2


okey assuming all your data is exactly to be sourced, please kindly reply if
the Length data on the table at cell D6 is only 47 inches...while trying to
input it on any of the current suggested formula....

so we can proceed..

happy loading this holiday season


Nick your solution worked like a charm and i donated 20 $ to red cross
and i promised. John unfortunately your solution did not work for some
reason i don't see anything as result. (no fit or non-fit , red or


Nick Hodge


Glad it worked eventually, glad the red cross is $20 better off

Happy holidays

Nick Hodge
Microsoft MVP - Excel
Southampton, England
(e-mail address removed)

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