3 unaswered questions,1.customized format 2.button question 3.Open



Hi, I have 3 questions that nobody answerme yesterday, could you read them
and, if you know something to do with them, tell me???
I will apresiate your help
1. (An easy one)
¿There is somehow the contents in a cell always been in capital letters???(a
Kind of customized format, I thought about MMMM but this is the customized
format for Month......)

Hi, I have a macro that finds the last row used and the insert a new row at
bottom of the last one and in cell a put the name of a person (userform1
askes it),in cell b the status and in cell c the amount; what I want is that
in cell d appears a button so the user could print the information of the
user in the row, I have everithing but how to possitioning the button exactly
in cell D
How to acomplish this???

Hi, I'm tryng to accomplish something difficult to explain:
If you open a workbook (ex. hello.xls) and the you go to file-->open another
file (ex. hello2.xls) then you have hello.xls and hello2.xls in the same
excel window, but if you open hello.xls ant then you go to the excels general
icon (the one that opens an excel window with a new woorkbook on it) ant
then you choose file-->open hello2.xls then you have 2 excel windows, now my
problem: I have my firs book hello.xls with all the menu bars disabled but
the woorkbook hello2.xls needs all the menu bars enabled so if I open my
workbook as explained on the second way to open the file I can have my file
hello.xls without the menu bars and hello2.xls with all the menu bars
cant paste a shortcut in the desktop because when I open the second file, it
opens in the excels window of my first file.
It's very important that the user of my program could open the file from the
desktop, so there is a way to do what I want?????
Hope this have sence, TIA


1. I don't think there is..
(workaround, make a 'mirror' worksheet that basically looks up everything
from the first sheet... where you need to show upper case use the UCASE

2. I would HIGHLY recommend not doing this.. you will be better off making a
button that always prints the active row. I've done this and put the button
around A1, then freeze panes to that button (or several if you need them) are
always visible.

BUT if you're stubborn, you can use the left and top properties of a range
object to see where the cell starts, then add the button there...

example (pseudocode)

T = Activesheet.Range("G10").top
L = Activesheet.Range("G10").left

activesheet.buttons.add L,T,<width>,<heigth>

3. Easier than you think.. on the workbook that has menu's disabled. Don't
disable them at the workbook level.. Use the Workbook_activate event. Enable
standard menus on that workbooks Workbook_deactivate event.


tankyou very much, I'll try what you wrote

TomHinkle said:
1. I don't think there is..
(workaround, make a 'mirror' worksheet that basically looks up everything
from the first sheet... where you need to show upper case use the UCASE

2. I would HIGHLY recommend not doing this.. you will be better off making a
button that always prints the active row. I've done this and put the button
around A1, then freeze panes to that button (or several if you need them) are
always visible.

BUT if you're stubborn, you can use the left and top properties of a range
object to see where the cell starts, then add the button there...

example (pseudocode)

T = Activesheet.Range("G10").top
L = Activesheet.Range("G10").left

activesheet.buttons.add L,T,<width>,<heigth>

3. Easier than you think.. on the workbook that has menu's disabled. Don't
disable them at the workbook level.. Use the Workbook_activate event. Enable
standard menus on that workbooks Workbook_deactivate event.

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