2nd Hard disk missing



Just had an awful week. Upgraded my motherboard without reading here first!

Running Windows XP Pro with two hard disks. Had to re-format one and clean
install Windows Pro. Now it cannot see the 2nd disk (can be seen by the
windows drivers, in the bios and by symantec recovery disk) but won't show up
by browser window).

Any ideas on how I can get it back up and running?



Just had an awful week. Upgraded my motherboard without reading here first!

Running Windows XP Pro with two hard disks. Had to re-format one and clean
install Windows Pro. Now it cannot see the 2nd disk (can be seen by the
windows drivers, in the bios and by symantec recovery disk) but won't show up
by browser window).

Any ideas on how I can get it back up and running?


Is it formatted?
What does "windows disk management see? Is that what you mean by windows
Is SP1 or SP2 installed?

Is LBA enabled in the registry? How big is the drive in question?
The Tobes of Hades, lit by flickering torchlight
The netherworld is gathered in the glare
Prince By-Tor takes the cavern to the north light
The sign of Eth is rising in the air.
By-Tor, knight of darkness,
Centurion of evil, devil's prince.



Goto start->run type: diskmgmt.msc

Does it show up in here?

If so you may need to initialize the drive or even format it.
It could also just be a drive letter conflict...

Good luck



I got a bit confused - I meant a standard window and not disk management.

I'm using windows pro sp2 and the disk is small - 40Gb

chusome, tried that - it shows the disk but without a drive letter. Any idea
how to give it one?




I got a bit confused - I meant a standard window and not disk management.

I'm using windows pro sp2 and the disk is small - 40Gb

chusome, tried that - it shows the disk but without a drive letter. Any idea
how to give it one?


Just highlight, right click it in "disk management" and add the drive
The Tobes of Hades, lit by flickering torchlight
The netherworld is gathered in the glare
Prince By-Tor takes the cavern to the north light
The sign of Eth is rising in the air.
By-Tor, knight of darkness,
Centurion of evil, devil's prince.




I got a bit confused - I meant a standard window and not disk management.

I'm using windows pro sp2 and the disk is small - 40Gb

chusome, tried that - it shows the disk but without a drive letter. Any idea
how to give it one?

Sorry, the actual option says "Change Drive Letter and Path"
The Tobes of Hades, lit by flickering torchlight
The netherworld is gathered in the glare
Prince By-Tor takes the cavern to the north light
The sign of Eth is rising in the air.
By-Tor, knight of darkness,
Centurion of evil, devil's prince.




Thanks BUT the only option I am given is to delete the partition!!


Ouch! Would you be willing to do just that? Delete/re-partition?

If not:

Hardware wise, how are the drives connected? IDE Ribbon? Master/Slave
How big is your OS drive?
Are they really "Physically" two seperate drives?
What brands are the drives?
Did you hook everything up the same way it was connected to your last
What is your new board type?
The Tobes of Hades, lit by flickering torchlight
The netherworld is gathered in the glare
Prince By-Tor takes the cavern to the north light
The sign of Eth is rising in the air.
By-Tor, knight of darkness,
Centurion of evil, devil's prince.



Thanks for all the help. The info is:

They are connected together via a single ribbon cable to the primary slot on
the motherboard

The OS drive is 18.6GB
They are 2 separate Seagate drives (18Gb and 40Gb)
My new board is an Asus A8V-MX uATX
I have tried both on cable select and then have changed it to a Master and a
Slave setup. Neither sorted the problem.

As fas as I am aware the disks are connected the same way.


Just had an awful week. Upgraded my motherboard without reading here first!

Running Windows XP Pro with two hard disks. Had to re-format one and clean
install Windows Pro. Now it cannot see the 2nd disk (can be seen by the
windows drivers, in the bios and by symantec recovery disk) but won't show up
by browser window).

Any ideas on how I can get it back up and running?


Go into Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Computer
Management > Storage > Disk Management (they both appear,
lower half of the screen, in a "tree" arrangement.

Go into Disk Management, and see if the 2nd hard drive

Hard Drive 1 will be "Hard Drive 0"
Hard Drive 2 will be "Hard Drive 1"

If "Hard drive 1" appears (your physical hard drive 2), and
it appears as "healthy", then you look for a capacity.

Right click on the item in the lower right quadrant, and
select "Format".

It can be a perfectly healthy hard drive, but if you forgot
to format it, it won't appear in your Windows settings
(normal desktop apps).

Once it's formatted, reboot, and you should be up.


Any other suggestions, anyone?

(I've been criticized for not giving what some call "good
advice", so I am OPENLY stating that I am not a tech, and
you should also seek advice from others. I am merely passing
on what has worked for me for many years)

Good luck!




Thanks BUT the only option I am given is to delete the partition!!


Likely, if you don't have a drive letter, you NEED to
partition, and then format.

If you can do so within Computer Manager, do so.

That is likely the easiest way to do it.

Right click, partition, and then right click format.


Any more technical advice here?

Good luck!



I know what you meant but unfortunately its a greyed out option!

Sounds like you need to possibly use your (Windows XP Pro

When you get to the screen that lets you partition and
format, CAREFULLY look at the capacities of the two disks
you have.

Choose the one that's causing you problems (it's going to be
at the bottom of the screen-- 2nd item in the list of hard

Delete any partition that shows up (simply follow the screen
prompts), and create a new partition.

Here, you can go back to Windows. (reboot)

Be sure to remove the CD when the computer starts to boot

In Windows, go into My Computer, right click the new hard
drive icon that appears, and select Format.

That SHOULD get you going.

Good luck!



Sorry, it is formatted!

You may think so.

It doesn't hurt to partition and reformat.

I don't know why. I'm not a tekkie.

But I've had this problem and found that deleting the
partition, repartitioning, and reformatting did the trick.

Not saying it will for you, and I'm not technical enough to
explain why.

Anybody else?

Good luck!



Ouch! Would you be willing to do just that? Delete/re-partition?

That's what I am thinking! Good call, I think.

If "the only thing he can do is partition", I'm thinking
something is corrupt, and the system knows it, and is
insisting on "cleaning his hard drive."

Good luck!



Thanks for all the help. The info is:

They are connected together via a single ribbon cable to the primary slot on
the motherboard

The OS drive is 18.6GB
They are 2 separate Seagate drives (18Gb and 40Gb)
My new board is an Asus A8V-MX uATX
I have tried both on cable select and then have changed it to a Master and a
Slave setup. Neither sorted the problem.

As fas as I am aware the disks are connected the same way.

I believe < ? > you are now dealing with a corrupt hard

Simplest solution is to just delete the partition,
repartition, and reformat.

That's an excellent "place to start". I have installed a
number of motherboards-- even recently-- and had to
partition and reformat a hard drive I had just partitioned
and formatted.


I played with it for several HOURS. NOTHING worked.

As a "last resort", I partitioned and formatted (this is ONE
thing that doesn't hurt, if you aren't worrying about data)

The partitioning and reformatting has done the trick
99.99999 % of the time.

I can't explain it, but "it worked."

It's beginning to sound like you want to do just about
anything BUT partitioning and formatting.

And for such small hard drives, it's a short, sweet, simple,
FAST task.

I could do it in probably 30 minutes each!

I have a 200 Gb, and I can do mine in 30 minutes!

(Don't be thinking.... "I shouldn't have to..."

Try it. It CAN'T HURT!)


Good luck!



That's what I am thinking! Good call, I think.

If "the only thing he can do is partition", I'm thinking
something is corrupt, and the system knows it, and is
insisting on "cleaning his hard drive."

I've seen instances where windows states it needs to be deleted and
partitioned but only because physically in the registry LBA was not
inserted, after insert it re-appears normal, but in this case it's only
a 40 gig drive.........
But what I think is the idiot install of XP's partitioning portion for
him to put the clean OS on the one drive probably corrupted the
other........It is stoooopid like that sometimes.....Is why I never use
an install CD to partition & physically remove secondary drives....

If his data is no big deal than wipe it and partition....
The Tobes of Hades, lit by flickering torchlight
The netherworld is gathered in the glare
Prince By-Tor takes the cavern to the north light
The sign of Eth is rising in the air.
By-Tor, knight of darkness,
Centurion of evil, devil's prince.



Will later states...
"They are connected together via a single ribbon cable to the primary slot
the motherboard

The OS drive is 18.6GB
They are 2 separate Seagate drives (18Gb and 40Gb)
My new board is an Asus A8V-MX uATX
I have tried both on cable select and then have changed it to a Master and a
Slave setup. Neither sorted the problem.

As fas as I am aware the disks are connected the same way."

He also states there is no Assign Drive Letter option available in the Disk
Management utility.

Barring a hardware problem with the IDE connectors on your motherboard (and
we'll assume there's no problem there), and no hardware problem affecting
the HD in question, the problem you've encountered is nearly always due to
an improper or defective connection/configuration of the drive.

We'll assume that your booting drive - the 18 GB one - boots properly and is
entirely functional, right? So the problem exists with your secondary HD,
the 40 GB one.

1. Are you absolutely sure you've correctly jumpered and connected that HD?
Absolutely sure?
2. Did you try connecting the drive to a different IDE channel/connector?
3. Do you have another IDE cable that you can use?
4. Have you checked the data pins on the drive to see if they're deformed in
some way?
5. Any chance that you may have a defective HD on your hands? Have you
checked it with the Seagate diagnostic utility?

I'm assuming the 40 GB HD is not bootable so that you can't boot to it as a
single drive, right?

When you say the drive "can be seen by the windows drivers" I assume you're
referring to the drive being listed in Device Manager, yes? And when you say
the drive "won't show up by browser window", you're referring to Windows
Explorer, right?


Thanks everyone,

Having already lost one disk with everything on it I had hoped to save the
backup one! It lloks like I will have to put it with another computer that
has lots of space and save it by using Norton stuff.

Thanks for all the help - the nightmare continues!!!!

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