2 CD (DVD) drives on the same IDE cable?



It's strange that I can have either one CD-RW or a DVD-RW working (as
master) one at a time on the secondary IDE of my PC (P4P800 Deluxe/P4
2.8c). If I connect both, (one being master, anther being slave), it won't
work. Windows 2000 cannot see them. Once it prompted incompatible ATAIP.

What is the wrong? It find the IDE on this board very unstable. I have
primary, secondary, and RAID and I could only get one drive working on each
connection. Is it possible that the RAID should be turned off? or maybe I
got a bad mainboard since this is a refurb from egghead.com.

Thanks for any suggestions,


Mr. Grinch

It's strange that I can have either one CD-RW or a DVD-RW working (as
master) one at a time on the secondary IDE of my PC (P4P800 Deluxe/P4
2.8c). If I connect both, (one being master, anther being slave), it
won't work. Windows 2000 cannot see them. Once it prompted
incompatible ATAIP.

What is the wrong? It find the IDE on this board very unstable. I have
primary, secondary, and RAID and I could only get one drive working on
each connection. Is it possible that the RAID should be turned off? or
maybe I got a bad mainboard since this is a refurb from egghead.com.

Thanks for any suggestions,

Ok so possible problems:
- bad bios on your mainboard. Check for new one?
- bad bios settings for the conroller. I would turn RAID off.
- bad jumper settings on one of the two drives in question. Might try
switching master / slave or trying each at a time by itself.
- bad ata cable

I'm running a Tyan Tiger 100 S1832DL motherboard. That's a dual 440BX with
two P3-800 cpus. Anyways, I've got the internal secondary IDE (Intel)
hooked up to an Aopen 20x CDR (slave) and TDK IndiDVD 440N (Master). No
problems with the default BIOS settings. But I do have an issue if on
cold-starts if I sent the TDK drive to as the first boot device. So it
would seem my bios and the TDK don't get along on cold-starts. If I switch
it around and make the Aopen the master, I don't get the same issue if I
make it the first boot device.

Ben Pope

cpliu said:
It's strange that I can have either one CD-RW or a DVD-RW working (as
master) one at a time on the secondary IDE of my PC (P4P800 Deluxe/P4
2.8c). If I connect both, (one being master, anther being slave), it won't
work. Windows 2000 cannot see them. Once it prompted incompatible ATAIP.

What is the wrong? It find the IDE on this board very unstable. I have
primary, secondary, and RAID and I could only get one drive working on
each connection. Is it possible that the RAID should be turned off? or
maybe I got a bad mainboard since this is a refurb from egghead.com.

Thanks for any suggestions,

You using 40 or 80 connector cables? Personally I'd set them both to cable
select, with the master on the end of the cable.

It seems that if when both are connected, windows cannot see either, then I
would suggest a conflict between the drives. Does the BIOS detect them both

You say both work as Master, do both work as Slave? (on their own)

I had a Sony CD Burner (CRX120 I think) that wouldn't master, even if it was
on it's own. Different combinations are a good idea, but you may find that
they just will not work together on the same cable.

Might be worth checking for updated firmwares for the drives, too.



It's strange that I can have either one CD-RW or a DVD-RW working (as
master) one at a time on the secondary IDE of my PC (P4P800 Deluxe/P4
2.8c). If I connect both, (one being master, anther being slave), it won't
work. Windows 2000 cannot see them. Once it prompted incompatible ATAIP.

I agree with the suggestions of others in the IBM.PC hardware
newsgroup, but as a P4P800 deluxe user I wanted to mention that I
don't have any problems running a DVD and CDRW on the same secondary
IDE channel. I'm not aware from previous reading in the ASUS group
that this board had any problems of that nature.

The other place where you're likely to get an intelligent reply is the
ASUS group if you haven't already posted this query there.


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Folkert Rienstra

RWL said:
I agree with the suggestions of others in the IBM.PC hardware
newsgroup, but as a P4P800 deluxe user I wanted to mention that I
don't have any problems running a DVD and CDRW on the same secondary
IDE channel. I'm not aware from previous reading in the ASUS group
that this board had any problems of that nature.

The other place where you're likely to get an intelligent reply is the
ASUS group if you haven't already posted this query there.

What an extremely "intelligent" reply.

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