Zork Nemesis Win95 wont install on WinXP Pro



Any efforts to apply the Win95 installation procedure of Zork Nemesis - German CD-ROM version - to my Win XP Pro-Laptop failed completely. (Zork Nemesis has been sold as Win95-compliant to a 100%)

The overall problem ist that once the Setup Launcher from Stirling Technologies enters the installation procedure I am clicking "proceed" once and get an error message like "internal dialogue box error" (Internet Dialogboxfehler). When I confirm this error message the installation program is terminated. A completely new behaviour for me as the installation program worked fine on my previous Win ME computer

I have already tried to solve the problem by
- launching the installation program in adminstration mod
- cancelling some obsolete tasks & processes within the task manage
- and trying any compatibility modes that are available in the property window for the CD-Setup Launcher program icon (.exe

Since I would really like to play this nice old game, is there anyone out there who can tell me how I could run this installation

Thanks a lot for your reply

Jimmy S.

Hi "Televincent",

If the error occurs during installation, I would try installing
the game on a Windows Me (or 95) computer, and then
copy the game directory over to Windows XP and launch
the game. If we're lucky, this workaround might just work.

Cheers, Windows XP MVP Shell / User
Jimmy S. http://mvp.support.microsoft.com

Game FAQs: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=FH;[LN];gms
Visit my Zone.com / Gaming Helpsite: http://nibblesnbits.tk or Call / Contact
MS Support at: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=sz;en-us;top
My advice is donated "AS IS" without warranty; nor do I confer any rights.

| Hi!
| Any efforts to apply the Win95 installation procedure of Zork Nemesis - German CD-ROM version - to my Win XP Pro-Laptop failed
completely. (Zork Nemesis has been sold as Win95-compliant to a 100%).
| The overall problem ist that once the Setup Launcher from Stirling Technologies enters the installation procedure I am clicking
"proceed" once and get an error message like "internal dialogue box error" (Internet Dialogboxfehler). When I confirm this error
message the installation program is terminated. A completely new behaviour for me as the installation program worked fine on my
previous Win ME computer.
| I have already tried to solve the problem by:
| - launching the installation program in adminstration mode
| - cancelling some obsolete tasks & processes within the task manager
| - and trying any compatibility modes that are available in the property window for the CD-Setup Launcher program icon (.exe)
| Since I would really like to play this nice old game, is there anyone out there who can tell me how I could run this installation?
| Thanks a lot for your reply!


Not many Win95/ME computers around nowadays. If there is no different approach I´ll wait till I can afford a handsome old Win95 machine

Best regard

Paul Smith

Televincent said:
Not many Win95/ME computers around nowadays. If there is no different
approach I?ll wait till I can afford a handsome old Win95 machine.

Most Windows 9x DO CERTAINLY run on Windows XP. I've not got a single piece
of software that won't run on Windows XP.

Some things may need to be installed and/or executed in compatibility mode.

Paul Smith,
Yeovil, UK.
http://windows.dasmirnov.net/ Windows XP Resource Site.
http://www.doom3portal.com/ A Doom 3 fansite.

*Replace nospam with smirnov to reply by e-mail*


The original question is, why my Win95 game cannot install even though I use an adiminstration account and different compatibility mode settings for the installation programs. The installer always terminates after indicating an "fatal error" that says "internal dialog box error" (Original German error message: Interner Dialogboxfehler)

That seems quite odd to me and I don´t know any workaround on my WinXP machine
Best regards

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