Your training materials should be downloadable so that I can save.



When I look at your training materials for an addin so to speak, I would like
to download it so that I can read it off line. This would make it easer for
me to read it again at a later date if I forget something. This way I would
not have to go online and find it again. It would also help the customers
that have dial up access. To download one file then read it would be faster
than clicking on the links in the document and wait for the page to open or
select a link that takes you to a different location in the document.

I would also like a general suggestion selection option when posting a
suggestion on your website.

James Hahn

If you are using Internet Explorer, open help and look for "making pages
available for offline viewing"

Microsoft does not monitor these newsgroups so your suggestions are likely
to be overlooked.

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