XP startup conflicting w/ Norton Antivirus



After installing Norton Antivirus, I find an error at the status dialog box. It says it involves email scanning. I tried online help and received this message

A critical process that is required by Norton AntiVirus is not running on your computer. This problem is most often caused by another program that is interfering with Norton AntiVirus when Windows starts. We recommend that you remove unnecessary programs from the Windows start-up process

I deleted the unnecessary programs and still am having the same problems. I then followed more directions offered. I made sure the correct items were checked in the Services part of the System Configuration Utility and that the items on the Startup tab were checked. The only thing I was missing was the item ccRegVfy. I don't know if that is affected or not

I have uninstalled and then reinstalled the program three times w/ the same problems. My husband installed the operating system yesterday. Is there a problem w/ the startup process of XP or is this Norton. How do I fix it?


Leslie said:
After installing Norton Antivirus, I find an error at the status dialog box. It
says it involves email scanning. I tried online help and received this message:
A critical process that is required by Norton AntiVirus is not running on your
computer. This problem is most often caused by another program that is interfering
with Norton AntiVirus when Windows starts. We recommend that you remove unnecessary
programs from the Windows start-up process.
I deleted the unnecessary programs and still am having the same problems. I then
followed more directions offered. I made sure the correct items were checked in the
Services part of the System Configuration Utility and that the items on the Startup
tab were checked. The only thing I was missing was the item ccRegVfy. I don't know
if that is affected or not.
I have uninstalled and then reinstalled the program three times w/ the same
problems. My husband installed the operating system yesterday. Is there a problem
w/ the startup process of XP or is this Norton. How do I fix it?




MS - MVP Windows IE/OE

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