XP SP2 needs your soul to install (5th attempt!)

  • Thread starter ~~~ .NET Ed ~~~
  • Start date

~~~ .NET Ed ~~~

I have been trying to install WinXP's SP2 on my laptop without success. I am
already on my 4th or 5th attempt and I get the impression that Windows
hasn't got a clue about itself. Here the highlights, maybe somebody has some
tips to get the thing installed once and for all:

1. Laptop was low in space (230MB) so it failed saying I needed about 430MB
more. First it had downloaded some SP2 stuff via the annoying update, it
failed and left all those HUGE files there. I had to go to
Windows\SoftwareDistribution and remove them myself. Pretty sloppy the way
WinXP goes about your precious hard disk space.
2. Removed a lot of programs. Disabled System Restore. Went up pto 836MB. It
failed again saying I needed 75MB more.
3. I removed more things, including the Microsoft .NET Framework v1.0 which
according to the Add Remove Programs applet showed it used up 1.1GB
(Gigabytes!) of space. Sounded like a good candidate, after all I could
fetch it again. I removed and rebooted but instead of seeing my "free space"
jumping from 836MB to 1.9GB (approx), it simply went up to 1.1GB!!!! what on
earth is Windows doing with my space????
4. So it had failed yet again. I removed more programs, but after all it had
said I only needed 75MB more (after all my deletions.). I decided to give it
another try, after all I had removed MUCH MUCH more than 75MB. Should be
more than ok... But no... now SP2 changed its mind again (can't it decide
properly?) and failed saying I needed 430MB extra.

So what on earth is this? you remove huge programs and they disappear but
your space remains occupied... It tells you you need 75MB, you remove about
1.5GB and then it tells you it now needs 430MB extra!!!

This is VERY frustrating to say the least, so what's next? is it going to
require to sell my soul to the devil for it to install? would it require me
to buy an external hard disk? sounds like SP2 still has some SERIOUS

SP1 also failed miserably back then....

ANy help would be appreciated.


Mike Hall

Windows Update delivers a 75mb COMPRESSED file which then expands, runs and
determines which elements of your system need updating..

The problem is not with SP2.. it is with your level of understanding..

For instance, when you consign a program to recycle bin, the space will not
be freed up immediately.. recycle bin flags whatever you put there as
recoverable (obviously) and prevents the system from overwriting the data..
on emptying recycle bin, the space taken up by deleted files is flagged for
being overwritten..

Next point.. a quick analogy.. if two people live in a small apartment that
is only realistically large enough for two, and then two more are invited to
live therein, it stands to sense that there will be a space problem.. one
can hardly blame the apartment or the invitees for this.. the simple answer
is to get more space or tell the invitees to get lost

In the case of SP2, it pays to get more space.. here is a link to help you


Wislu Plethora

~~~ .NET Ed ~~~ said:
I have been trying to install WinXP's SP2 on my laptop without success. I am
already on my 4th or 5th attempt and I get the impression that Windows
hasn't got a clue about itself. Here the highlights, maybe somebody has some
tips to get the thing installed once and for all:

1. Laptop was low in space (230MB) so it failed saying I needed about 430MB
more. First it had downloaded some SP2 stuff via the annoying update, it
failed and left all those HUGE files there. I had to go to
Windows\SoftwareDistribution and remove them myself. Pretty sloppy the way
WinXP goes about your precious hard disk space.
2. Removed a lot of programs. Disabled System Restore. Went up pto 836MB. It
failed again saying I needed 75MB more.
3. I removed more things, including the Microsoft .NET Framework v1.0 which
according to the Add Remove Programs applet showed it used up 1.1GB
(Gigabytes!) of space. Sounded like a good candidate, after all I could
fetch it again. I removed and rebooted but instead of seeing my "free space"
jumping from 836MB to 1.9GB (approx), it simply went up to 1.1GB!!!! what on
earth is Windows doing with my space????
4. So it had failed yet again. I removed more programs, but after all it had
said I only needed 75MB more (after all my deletions.). I decided to give it
another try, after all I had removed MUCH MUCH more than 75MB. Should be
more than ok... But no... now SP2 changed its mind again (can't it decide
properly?) and failed saying I needed 430MB extra.

So what on earth is this? you remove huge programs and they disappear but
your space remains occupied... It tells you you need 75MB, you remove about
1.5GB and then it tells you it now needs 430MB extra!!!

This is VERY frustrating to say the least, so what's next? is it going to
require to sell my soul to the devil for it to install? would it require me
to buy an external hard disk? sounds like SP2 still has some SERIOUS

SP1 also failed miserably back then....

ANy help would be appreciated.


I'll answer you r question but not until you make more room on your hard

~~~ .NET Ed ~~~

Eh, I think you completely misunderstood what I was saying.... did I forget
to say that I actually am a software developer? I obviously know these
things, I was pointing at the facts. And yes, I had made sure the recycle
bin had been *emptied* before checking the "available space". And yes, I
know also that there are some special files/folders that keep popping back
even if you delete them (some sort of Windows auto-preservation instinct ;)

Anyway, I had to wipe out almost everything that was of interest to me and
freed up 2.1GB, only then did SP2 perform a complete install from the CD
(only the first attempt was a download, the other 4 where from the SP2 CD
from Microsoft)

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