XP Home



Recently I upgraded from ME to XP Home. When I log on to
the internet I receive a message stating the RSP is
shutting windows down and a 60 sec counter counts down
shutting windows down when it reaches 0:00. It states this
is under the authority of windows nt. What is this and
what can be done. I tried re-installing xp home and it is
still there.


you have been infected by the blaster worm. you did not
turn on the xp firewall in connections properties.it is all
microsofts fault.

Lanwench [MVP - Exchange]

The other reply is somewhat correct, if snarky. Sounds like you have Blaster
or a variant - this is caused by your not enabling your firewall before
connecting to the Internet - it takes only a few seconds of connectivity to
get "hit".

See http://www.visualante.org/msblast/main.htm for lots of good
info....and/or follow the instructions below (I cribbed this from someone
else and failed to note who it was - my apologies!)

If you can't stop your computer from restarting:

As soon as your computer reboots and Windows loads, click Start, then Run.
In the box, type the following:

shutdown -a (then click OK)


As soon as you can!. You are running the 32-bit edition of Windows XP, btw;
you'd know if you weren't, trust me.

If you get
setup could not verify the integrity of the file
/ cryptographic services message, see
http://support.microsoft.com/?scid=kb;en-us;326815 (for XP) or
http://support.microsoft.com/?id=281458 (for Win2k)

For the removal tool for the MSBlast worm see
Note - this is not the only worm/exploit out there - it just seems to be the
most common one.

Get a firewall! You NEED one. There are several free ones, including
Sygate ( www.sygate.com )

Then go to WindowsUpdate to pick up the latest updates:
http://windowsupdate.microsoft.com. (You should do this about once a month
anyway, at least)

More info about the worm:
and http://support.microsoft.com/?scid=kb;en-us;823980

You also need good antivirus software - for personal use, AVG 6.0 is free -
www.grisoft.com - set it to update daily.

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