XP Home & Office97



Another thread down below mentioned that Office97 works okay with XP Home,
and it does for me with one exception.

When I open a Word document or an Excel spreadsheet by double-clicking, the
appropriate program starts and the file is opened with an error message
displayed saying that the file is already open. Depending on which program
it is, the error is a little different, but it's basically saying that the
file is already in use (or open) and it's by the same user name that I'm
logged in as.

If I close the error window by clicking OK (Excel) or Cancel (Word),
everything works just fine. This certainly isn't a deal killer, but it is

Any suggestions or even a clue would be appreciated.


Gord Dibben


Sounds like your file associations could be bad. Try re-registering these

For Excel.........

First try the standard fix(es)......Tools>Options>General uncheck "ignore
other applications"

OR Start>Run "excel.exe /regserver"(no quotes and note the space before the /

You may have to enter your full path to excel.exe....in that case surround
with quotes as in..... "C:\mypath\to Excel\somewhere\excel.exe" /regserver

For Word...........

Start>Run "winword.exe /r" (no quotes and note the space before the /
mark). Again, you may have to enter the full path to winword.exe


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