XP HOME edition network problem



Hi :

I have a problem in XP Home Edition. I setup two computers in the same
workgroup ‘MSHOME’ and different computer name ‘PC_1’ and ‘PC_2’. The same ip
address 192.168.0.x , sub mask Firewall was disabled and both
sides have a same users account ‘owner’. Guest account has been active.
I can ping the computer and saw it in network neighbour. When I double click
the icon in Network neighbour error has occurred ‘ System error 1385 has
occurred - Logon failure: the user has not been granted the requested logon
type at this computer’. What wrong? I had try a long time but stilled failed.
Can I help you?
Thanks you very much!

Best Regards

Jovi Wong


jovi said:
Hi :

I have a problem in XP Home Edition. I setup two computers in the same
workgroup ?MSHOME? and different computer name ?PC_1? and ?PC_2?. The
same ip address 192.168.0.x , sub mask Firewall was
disabled and both
sides have a same users account ?owner?. Guest account has been
active. I can ping the computer and saw it in network neighbour. When
I double click
the icon in Network neighbour error has occurred ? System error 1385
has occurred - Logon failure: the user has not been granted the
requested logon type at this computer?. What wrong? I had try a long
time but stilled failed. Can I help you?
Thanks you very much!

Best Regards

Jovi Wong

Here's a solution from MVP Steve Winograd which addresses the error you
are seeing. Substitute your own computers' names for the ones in the
solution. Because you said you don't have XP Pro on either machine, you
can ignore the last bit of the answer. I left it in for completeness.

"I've found a possible solution, sent to me by MVPs Oli Restorick and
Ron Lowe. It's a bit complicated, but I hope that you'll try it and
post a reply giving the results. On Computer C:

1. Download and install the Windows 2003 Server Resource Kit Tools from
http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=4544 .

2. Click Start | All Programs | Windows Resource Kit Tools | Command

3. Type these lines at the command prompt to grant network logon rights
to the Guest account. The second and third commands are
case-sensitive, so type them exactly as shown. Note the "+r" in the
second one and the "-r" in the third one:

net user guest /active:yes
ntrights +r SeNetworkLogonRight -u Guest
ntrights -r SeDenyNetworkLogonRight -u Guest

Then try accessing Computer C from another computer on the network.

On a computer with XP Professional:

1. Click Start | Run, type "secpol.msc" in the box, and click OK.

2. Click Local Policies.

3. Click User Rights Assignment.

4. Click "Access this computer from the network" and make sure that the
Everyone group is included.

5. Click "Deny access to this computer from the network" and make sure
that the Everyone group is NOT included."




Thanks a lots. But my two computer was a same O/S XP Home Edition. You told
me to substitute the own computers' names. You means the computer name or the
login user ?? Thanks you very much !!



Question said:
Thanks a lots. But my two computer was a same O/S XP Home Edition.
You told me to substitute the own computers' names. You means the
computer name or the
login user ?? Thanks you very much !!
I meant where Steve said "on Computer C" obviously you would substitute
one of *your* computer names.



Hi Malke :

I followed your instruction to changed the computers name. But stilled not
work, what wrong ??



jovi said:
Hi Malke :

I followed your instruction to changed the computers name. But stilled
not work, what wrong ??
I don't know since I can't see your computers from here. ;-) Run through
this network troubleshooter by MVP Hans-Georg Michna. It should help
you narrow down the problem areas and solve the issues. After you've
gone through the troubleshooter, if you still need help post back with
details of where you run into difficulties with the troubleshooter.



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