XP dos prompt



Have Win XP Home.
Formated a floppy as MS-DOS startup disk, which does take me to the A:
But unable to change from A: to C: drives. It keeps telling me "Invalid
Drive Specification".
How can I change to the C: drive when at the DOS prompt.? It just keeps me
at the A:.
I want to be able to do Directory commands and see what files are under the
various folders on my C drive.

Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers


If your drive is formatted in NTFS, then a dos boot floppy cannot read/write
to it. They are only useful for a FA32 drive. Check properties of the drive
in Windows Explorer.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers aka "Nutcase" MS-MVP - Win9x
Windows isn't rocket science! That's my other hobby!

Associate Expert - WinXP - Expert Zone

Matt Coy

You will only be able to go to c: if c: is formatted as FAT32. It sounds
like your volume is NTFS, and therefore cannot be accessed by your startup

Jim Macklin

Not out of luck, you can get programs that allow reading
NTFS from a boot floppy (you won't be able to write to the
NTFS drive).

But you can get a command prompt and use most of the DOS
commands by doing Start/run "cmd" to open the command
window. XP is based on NT and does not have DOS at all.
You can create a shortcut to cmd, with this string

To see all the command line functions use the help function.

Most DOS type commands do work, some are not supported.

| Yes, my C drive is formated as NTFS. Guess I'm out of
| | > You will only be able to go to c: if c: is formatted as
FAT32. It sounds
| > like your volume is NTFS, and therefore cannot be
accessed by your startup
| > disk.
| >
| > --
| > Matt Coy, MCSE
| >
| > | > > Have Win XP Home.
| > > Formated a floppy as MS-DOS startup disk, which does
take me to the A:
| > > prompt.
| > > But unable to change from A: to C: drives. It keeps
telling me
| "Invalid
| > > Drive Specification".
| > > How can I change to the C: drive when at the DOS
prompt.? It just
| keeps
| > me
| > > at the A:.
| > > I want to be able to do Directory commands and see
what files are under
| > the
| > > various folders on my C drive.
| > >
| > >
| >
| >

Jim Macklin

Google for "NTFS + floppy"

| Can you suggest a program that I may buy to experiment
in message
| | > Not out of luck, you can get programs that allow reading
| > NTFS from a boot floppy (you won't be able to write to
| > NTFS drive).
| >
| >

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