Write a letter is critical to the software ... HELP!



I have read and understand that you are working on a "Write a Letter" tool.
That is great. I have used, trained and promtoted Act for years. Their
product is now falling behind and I really want to promote BCM. I can't do
that until I have confidence that you can do basic things. Writing a letter
is one of those basic things.


By the way, the tool needs the following functionality:
1. Save "form letters" so I can instantly produce any one of several
prewritten letter for any given contact quickly.
2. Functionality to alter the content of that content (ie, adding or not
adding "USA" at the end of an address, printing onto a preprinted letterhead,
etc., etc.)
3. Automatically linking to history as well as linking to the actual
document for retreival. When retrieved, the date needs to stay as it was
originally written.
4. In Act the process would also immediately crete an envelope. Your tool
should have another button that does that on demand with presets.

Thanks for listening.


As a follow up to my earlier post, I have found the "Write A Sales Letter
Toolbar" tool that works well, however it is a template and the tool bar
won't stay in place unless you copy the template into the "Start Up" folder
in the base directory. (search on the Sales Letter Toolbar for more info).

The tool is the most efficient way that I have found to write a letter one
off. You still need to "link" the file to a contact.

An integrated tool from Microsoft will make a huge difference.

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