Workgroup file for one db only (not to apply to other dbs)



I use several databases on various work servers (some I own/manage others I
just use). Until now, we relied on folder security.
I just had to create a new db with user-level security. If I join the
workgroup for the secure db I set up I can access the db with userid and
password. But when I try to access the other db's I am also prompted for a
userid and password now. I can use a shortcut (and remain on system.mdw)
and not have the security follow on to the other db's.
Any other way around this? I only want the secure.mdw to apply to the one
db. I will have multiple users and don't want them to have to join a
workgroup file or have to use a shortcut either as their ms access folders
are often different (office 10 vs office 11). I don't really want to have to
create different shortcuts on the basis of their access folders.

Rick Brandt

Deirdre said:
I use several databases on various work servers (some I own/manage others I
just use). Until now, we relied on folder security.
I just had to create a new db with user-level security. If I join the
workgroup for the secure db I set up I can access the db with userid and
password. But when I try to access the other db's I am also prompted for a
userid and password now. I can use a shortcut (and remain on system.mdw)
and not have the security follow on to the other db's.
Any other way around this? I only want the secure.mdw to apply to the one
db. I will have multiple users and don't want them to have to join a
workgroup file or have to use a shortcut either as their ms access folders
are often different (office 10 vs office 11). I don't really want to have to
create different shortcuts on the basis of their access folders.

You either join the workgroup (and are always prompted) or you use a shortcut.
There is not a third alternative.

Pieter Wijnen

Well, there is, you can either add a right click regsetting 'Open secure' or
make a custom file extension
But I agree with Rick that for most intents or purposes you should use a
shortcut to open the secure mdb
By using vbScript & wshshell it's fairly easy to autocreate one

This demonstrates it used in VBA for a Access '97 installation

Sub wsh()
Dim wsh As New IWshRuntimeLibrary.WshShell
Dim shC As IWshRuntimeLibrary.WshShortcut
Dim AppExe As String

' Set WsH = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
AppExe =
' "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\MSACCESS.EXE"

Set shC = wsh.CreateShortcut("C:\Temp\Test.lnk")
shC.TargetPath = AppExe
shC.Arguments = """C:\MyApp\MyApp.mdb"" /WrkGrp""C:\MyApp\secure.mdw"""
shC.Description = "My Application"
shC.WorkingDirectory = "C:\MyApp"
End Sub


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