Word to Excel with 2007



I currently have a sales estimating speadsheet in Excel (2007), while the
sales contract is in Word(2007). How would I go about integrating the two
together? I would like to have the contract as a sperate page in the
workbook. The main thing is that I need to have fields in Word so that data
from Excel, customer name, address, job description all update in the Word
document. Thank you for any help. If you need more information or I'm not
being clear, let me know.

Thanks Again,


Earl Kiosterud


There are some possibilities, but you'll have to be more specific as to the layout of the
Word document, and the Excel sheet. A Word mail merge can give you one word document per
row in an Excel sheet, with fields from the various columns wherever you want in the word
docs. Sheets can be linked into word documents, or embedded in them. More needs to be
known about your layout and requirements to make a good suggestion.

Earl Kiosterud

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I can email you the documents if that makes it easier to understand. I would
rather not post them.

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