Word 2007 Printing



Many times when I print a document, the last line of the last page prints
only the upper half of the line. It does not matter how much printing there
is on the page. I am using standard template margins, etc. Anyone know the
cause and solution?

Dian D. Chapman, MVP

Well, someone else had this problem at the top of their document and
it just turned out to be that they had line spacing set to EXACT,
which was causing the font to be cut off.

However, in your case, I can only GUESS that the problem might be that
you are maybe printing too close to the bottom margin and the paper
rollers maybe need cleaning on your printer...which is causing them to
skid a bit and thereby not catch the paper right...so you're literally
running out of margin at the bottom?

To see the limits of your printable area, you can open a blank page,
set all margins to zero and click OK. Word will complain and offer to
fix the settings. Say yes and the resulting setting will be your
printer's minimum margin settings. If they are say 1 in at the bottom
and you are printing that close to the bottom...it may be time to
break out the rubbing alchohol and Qtip and clean your rollers.

Sorry I don't have a more definitive answer, but if you're printing
very low on the page and using a cheap printer...I've seen this
problem before.

Good luck...

Dian D. Chapman
Technical Consultant, Microsoft MVP
MOS Certified Instructor, Editor/TechTrax Ezine
Tech Editor for Word & Office 2007 Bibles

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In fact, this can happen in the middle of the page and it is not consistent.
It seems to happen more often when I use "Quick Print" than if I use
"Preview" or "Print". This occurs with no other program which leads me to
believe it is not the printer.

Dian D. Chapman, MVP

Okay, so if it happens in the middle of the page, too...have you
verified that none of the problem areas have paragraph spacing set to
EXACT? If you set it to exact and don't set it correctly, it can be
too small for the font size, hence you get chopped.

Next time you have that problem...click within the problem para and
either click Format > Paragraph and check for EXACT line spacing. If
so...uncheck it. Or you can hit Shift + F1 and inspect that para for
any other unusual setting.

Dian D. Chapman
Technical Consultant, Microsoft MVP
MOS Certified Instructor, Editor/TechTrax Ezine
Tech Editor for Word & Office 2007 Bibles

Free PC Tutorials: http://www.mousetrax.com/techtrax
Free Word Tricks eBook: http://www.mousetrax.com/books.html
Optimize your business docs: http://www.mousetrax.com/consulting
Learn VBA the easy way: http://www.mousetrax.com/techcourses.html

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