Won't download new messages unless I restart

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Wont download new messages unless restar

Windows mail will not download or connect to my pop server unless I re start
my computer. If I restart, then it connects fine one time and downloads new
e-mails but will not download new e-mails after that... any suggestions?

Gary VanderMolen

Which antivirus are you running? Some of them are not fully compatible
with Windows Mail.

Wont download new messages unless restar

I have been running McAfee for almost a year now with no problems. This
started when I added another 2 GB of RAM. I started to get a blue screen
saying BIOS memory dumb, so I took the RAM out, then when the computer was
functional again, it said that Windows mail could not start because the junk
mail memory was full. (I have then emptied out my junk mail). Then I restored
my computer to 4 days ago date so all setting would go back and Windows Mail
started working again but now this problem has arose.


Gary VanderMolen

McAfee antivirus is among the top three troublemakers for Windows Mail.
Sometimes it takes a while before symptoms start showing up.
First of all, turn off email scanning in McAfee, although that is seldom sufficient.

If the problem continues, the only way you can prove or disprove that
McAfee is the culprit is to uninstall it, followed by using their debris removal tool:

If you decide to replace McAfee, we can recommend a free antivirus
program which is more compatible with Windows Mail:

Instead of switching to a different antivirus, another option is to upgrade
to Windows Live Mail (WLM), which is more resistant to the adverse effects
of overly intrusive antivirus products: http://get.live.com/wlmail/overview

Even with WLM, you must disable email scanning in the antivirus,
for the reason explained here:

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