WinXP granting requested logon type



I have a small ethernet network with a WinXP Pro desktop a WIn2000 Notebook and a Win98 notebook which all USED to be able to access files on each and all access the broadband connection and all access the printer which is connected to the desktop by USB

I had to reformat the hard disk on the desktop and reinstall everything. I can no longer get the notebooks to access files on the desktop or access the printer though the desktop can access the notebooks. The notebooks can access the internet indicating the network to be OK

When I try the error message

"[computer name] is not accessible
Logon failure : The user has not been granted the requested logon type for the computer

I have renamed the desktop computer and the network, switched simple file sharing on and off and on again and done all the other daft things mentioned in the Windows troubleshooter. Thjough the trouobleshooter does not tell you it is not possible to use the WInXP disk on a Win 2000 Pro machine to help set up a simple network

There are no firewalls active. I can ping the desktop from the ntoebook successfully

I have wasted hours and hours and hours on this! Any help would be VERY appreciate


X hours later I solved this. For everyone else stuck with this issue the solution that worked for me wa
Control Pane
Administrative tool
Local settin
user rights assignment

and then to put in network name and machine name then prompted for a used on the machine to be added and had to enter this plus password - then it worke

I had also amended the nearby >local setting > User rights assignment

Must have wasted at least 10 hours on this. If Microsoft ever looks at these groups can you please have a more helpful system and at a minimum update your troubleshooter and help systems!

There are some other settings you may have to change here also. For instance

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