Windows XP will not start up



The other day there was a short power outage while the computer was on. I
tried to turn the computer back on but Windows would not start. I booted
again and was able to start in Safe Mode. I tried System Restore, it didn't
work. I tried booting with the XP disk, it started then stopped. It stopped
at Windows Setup. I've ran sfc /scannow, it wouldn't scan. I did a virus
scan, everything was ok. I don't know what else to try. Please help. Thank


In cmd type:Sfc /Scannow /REVERT Or just REVERT
You might also,boot to xp cd,recovery,in recovery type:CHKDSK C: /R


I cannot get to recovery.

Andrew E. said:
In cmd type:Sfc /Scannow /REVERT Or just REVERT
You might also,boot to xp cd,recovery,in recovery type:CHKDSK C: /R


I tried sfc /scannow /REVERT it gave me an error (0x000006ba, RPC is
unavailable). I'm unable to get to recovery and I tried to boot from XP disk,
it started then stopped at Windows Setup. What else can I try?


Same Problem to me. I did use Product recovery dvd-rom. But it reaches to the
state when the windows logo appear and it was then freezed. Any suggestion?


You can use the Recovery Console to restore a missing or damaged copy
of ntldr or the NTDETECT.COM startup file and to replace the Master Boot
Record and the boot sector.

To enter a command into the Recovery Console, type the command
at the C:\WINDOWS> prompt. Press the ENTER key at the end of each
command to send it to the computer.

To replace ntldr, enter
copy drive :i386 \ntldr
In place of drive , use the drive letter for the CD drive.

To replace NTDETECT.COM, enter
copy drive :i386 \
In place of drive , use the drive letter for the CD drive.

To replace the Master Boot Record, enter

To replace the boot sector, enter

The Recovery Console will ask, Overwrite system?(Yes/No/All). Enter Y for yes
each time the question appears.

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