Windows XP Prompts Me to Select OS?


donnie darko

I recently did a clean install of Windows XP. Now, on startup, my
computer prompts me to select which OS to boot, and there are two
choices. Both of them say Windows XP. The first one boots the fresh
install just fine. The second one must be a remnant of the old version
because it fails to find the boot path and kicks me back out to the
selection screen. I would like to remove the second option so I don't
have to select an OS every time I restart the computer. Anyone have
some advice on how to do this? Thanks very much in advance.


Replied to [donnie darko]s message :
I recently did a clean install of Windows XP. Now, on startup, my
computer prompts me to select which OS to boot, and there are two
choices. Both of them say Windows XP. The first one boots the fresh
install just fine. The second one must be a remnant of the old version
because it fails to find the boot path and kicks me back out to the
selection screen. I would like to remove the second option so I don't
have to select an OS every time I restart the computer. Anyone have
some advice on how to do this? Thanks very much in advance.

Click Start > Run > Copy/Paste following :
bootcfg.exe /Delete /Id 2

donnie darko

Thank you! I removed the faulty boot path through msconfig and now the
annoying selection screen is gone.

Bruce Chambers

donnie said:
I recently did a clean install of Windows XP. Now, on startup, my
computer prompts me to select which OS to boot, and there are two
choices. Both of them say Windows XP. The first one boots the fresh
install just fine. The second one must be a remnant of the old version
because it fails to find the boot path and kicks me back out to the
selection screen. I would like to remove the second option so I don't
have to select an OS every time I restart the computer. Anyone have
some advice on how to do this? Thanks very much in advance.


From within WinXP, Start > Run > Msconfig, Boot.ini Tab > "Check
all Boot Paths."


1) Click Start > Run, Type "Cmd" and then press <Enter>.

2) Type "Cd\" and then press <Enter>

3) Type "Attrib C:\Boot.ini -h -r -s" and then press <Enter>

4) Click Start > Run, Type "Notepad c:\boot.ini" and then press <Enter>

5) Edit the file to removed the extraneous line, save it, and then exit

6) Type "Attrib C:\Boot.ini +h +r +s" and then press <Enter>

7) Close the command console.


Bruce Chambers

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