Windows XP Opening Boot Screen After SP2


Johnny Lingo

The only thing that I have weird after install of SP2 on 3 XP Pro machines
is that the boot logo that says Windows XP used to say Windows XP
Professional, but now only says Windows XP.
Other than that, the first three machines are running just fine post install
of SP2!

Dick Kistler

Johnny Lingo said:
The only thing that I have weird after install of SP2 on 3 XP Pro machines
is that the boot logo that says Windows XP used to say Windows XP
Professional, but now only says Windows XP.
Other than that, the first three machines are running just fine post
install of SP2!

Same for XP Home. Two XP Home machines running SP2, one desktop, one
laptop. Home network OK, Wireless OK, maybe better. Boots are slightly
slower-normal operation maybe slightly faster. Install uneventful except
had to power-off reboot twice during the initial reboot on Laptop.

Only other thing different is that default font was reset to Arial in
Outlook Express.

Dick Kistler

Mike Kolitz

The modified boot screen is intentional - it's not a glitch.

Honestly, I kind of liked it better before, but...

Mike Kolitz

I'd guess that it was just a consolidation move. With all of the different
versions of XP (Home, Pro, Tablet, Media Center, etc...) it's less
resource-intensive to have one boot screen for all of them.


Ahhh...makes sense. Lazy programmers. ;o)

Mike said:
I'd guess that it was just a consolidation move. With all of the
different versions of XP (Home, Pro, Tablet, Media Center, etc...)
it's less resource-intensive to have one boot screen for all of them.

Dick Kistler

Phil said:
LOL - Possibly, but a boot screen saying SP2 would be more informative.

Only to the uninitiated. We are preserving the myth of computer geek.

Dick Kistler

Johnny Lingo

Yeah, I knew it was intentional, I just didn't like the change. I liked the
way it was before.

Alex Nichol

Johnny said:
The only thing that I have weird after install of SP2 on 3 XP Pro machines
is that the boot logo that says Windows XP used to say Windows XP
Professional, but now only says Windows XP.

That is a deliberate change - to reduce the confusion with things like
updates being described as for a particular variant where they are in
fact generic, the Home/Pro distinction is being played down. The dates
are also removed from the 'copyright' bit

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