Windows XP Issues


Leslie S. Gottlieb

Sorry for the cross post, but I am not sure where to seek help on this.

I have just upgraded to Windows XP2 from XP1 and installed a verizon Westell
372W Modem.

All is well, except for the following *3* problems, two which I thought
installing SP2 would fix:

1. I am unable to turn on the Windows Firewall. Even when I start manually
I get an error about Windows not being able to turn on the Internet
connection sharing/windows firewall service. The PC is networked with a PC
running windows Xp1 - is that a problem?

2. This existed prior to upgrading to XP2 - I can not open links that create
new windows. I get a brief flash but the window will not appear in IE. An
example is on, if I click on the link marked Chit Chat
Forum, it just flashes. It opens fine in Mozilla and on my PC at work

3. Also prior to XP2, When I click on the search button on the start menu,
the cursor flashes. I can get to search from windows explorer but not from

Does anyone have ideas? Please help!

Leslie S. Gottlieb

I managed to solve items 2 and 3 by using regsrv32 on certain dll's (I found
the fix in a newsgroup), but am still having problem #1. Please help.

Jan Il

Hi Leslie :)
I managed to solve items 2 and 3 by using regsrv32 on certain dll's (I found
the fix in a newsgroup), but am still having problem #1. Please help.

I regret that I don't have an answer for your problem per se, as I am not
that knowledgeable about modems, however, you might check with the
0.verizon.windowsxp newsgroup and see if they can help as well. There may
be some there who have this modem that may be able to give you some
suggestions as to how to resolve the issue if it is modem related.

Hopefully, someone here will also be able to assist with your problem. Good
luck! :)

Jan :)
Smiles are meant to be shared,
that's why they're so contagious

Earl Camembert

Leslie S. Gottlieb said:
I managed to solve items 2 and 3 by using regsrv32 on certain dll's (I
found the fix in a newsgroup), but am still having problem #1. Please help.

This is not a smart ass answer. Don't use the firewall in XP. It will not
stop outgoing traffic. Use ZoneAlarm and a NAT router. I hope you have ALL
of the windows updates if you are running without a firewall and no NAT

Jan Il

Sorry...didn't notice it had already been crossposted to that group. I've
been enjoying watching it snow all morning...guess I'm going "snow blind"

Jan :)
Smiles are meant to be shared,
that's why they're so contagious.

Leslie S. Gottlieb said:
I managed to solve items 2 and 3 by using regsrv32 on certain dll's (I found
the fix in a newsgroup), but am still having problem #1. Please help.

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