windows xp home edtion freezes at saving settings



as this anything to do with aol not responding on the sign
off screen. this problem happens every time i use my p2p
program for a long time. p2p shuts down but aol does not
so i shut it down with task manager but then when logging
off windows it freezes on saving settings and will not
shut down. if i dont use p2p it shuts down everytime.i
have also tried different p2p programes but it is the same
every time help.

Sharon F

as this anything to do with aol not responding on the sign
off screen. this problem happens every time i use my p2p
program for a long time. p2p shuts down but aol does not
so i shut it down with task manager but then when logging
off windows it freezes on saving settings and will not
shut down. if i dont use p2p it shuts down everytime.i
have also tried different p2p programes but it is the same
every time help.

Since you can perform certain steps to avoid the problem and because you
can repeat the steps and get consistent results, it is likely a conflict
between the p2p software and your AOL software. If you are unable to find a
version of p2p and AOL that work well together, all you can do is "manage"
the problem as you are doing now.

I've seen updated modem drivers resolve the problem of getting connections
released in a more timely manner. However, your problem is so pronounced
with specific applications that I don't think it's likely this will help on
your system.

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