Windows XP autoplay doesn't recognize .jpg photo files



I have one Windows XP computer which fails to
recognize .jpg photo files when Windows autoplay runs on
the insertion of a memory stick and/or CD which contains
said files. Instead of the autoplay offering photo
options to choose from, Windows simply opens up the
memory stick and/or CD and displays its content.
My other four Windows XP computers work fine with the
same memory stick and/or CD media so I know there is
something wrong will this Windows XP computer. Besides
reinstalling the original Windows XP program all over
again (which means a lot of work to reinstall all the
other programs/files as well), does anyone know of a way
to correct this problem? A response would be greatly
appreciated! Thank you in advance for your assistance.


I copied these from John Inzer previous repl
Maybe these articles will shed some light

(810978) Internet Explorer Saves Images A
Bitmaps (.bmp File

(326675) "No Preview Available" and "Fil
Format Is Not Supported" Error Message
Occur When You Try to View Graphic File

(260650) Internet Explorer Does Not Sav
Graphics Files in the Proper Forma

(324761) Cannot Save Images in Window

Go to the following site and scrol
down to the bottom of the page
"Music, Video, and Photos


John Inze
Picture It! MV
return e-mail disable

Picture It! Support Cente

----- howard wrote: ----

I have one Windows XP computer which fails to
recognize .jpg photo files when Windows autoplay runs on
the insertion of a memory stick and/or CD which contains
said files. Instead of the autoplay offering photo
options to choose from, Windows simply opens up the
memory stick and/or CD and displays its content
My other four Windows XP computers work fine with the
same memory stick and/or CD media so I know there is
something wrong will this Windows XP computer. Besides
reinstalling the original Windows XP program all over
again (which means a lot of work to reinstall all the
other programs/files as well), does anyone know of a way
to correct this problem? A response would be greatly
appreciated! Thank you in advance for your assistance


Looked over your suggestions and also downloaded Tweak UI Power Tool. Doesn't solve the problem.

----- walt wrote: -----

I copied these from John Inzer previous reply
Maybe these articles will shed some light:

(810978) Internet Explorer Saves Images As
Bitmaps (.bmp Files

(326675) "No Preview Available" and "File
Format Is Not Supported" Error Messages
Occur When You Try to View Graphic Files

(260650) Internet Explorer Does Not Save
Graphics Files in the Proper Format

(324761) Cannot Save Images in Windows

Go to the following site and scroll
down to the bottom of the page.
"Music, Video, and Photos"


John Inzer
Picture It! MVP
return e-mail disabled

Picture It! Support Center

----- howard wrote: -----

I have one Windows XP computer which fails to
recognize .jpg photo files when Windows autoplay runs on
the insertion of a memory stick and/or CD which contains
said files. Instead of the autoplay offering photo
options to choose from, Windows simply opens up the
memory stick and/or CD and displays its content.
My other four Windows XP computers work fine with the
same memory stick and/or CD media so I know there is
something wrong will this Windows XP computer. Besides
reinstalling the original Windows XP program all over
again (which means a lot of work to reinstall all the
other programs/files as well), does anyone know of a way
to correct this problem? A response would be greatly
appreciated! Thank you in advance for your assistance.

John Inzer

Howard said:
Looked over your suggestions and also downloaded Tweak UI
Power Tool. Doesn't solve the problem.

Maybe some of the following info will
help you solve the problem. It seems
that what works for one user may not
work for another.


Possible ways to restore AutoPlay:

I. Connect your camera to your computer,
power it on and make sure you have
pictures on your memory card.

II. Go to...Start / Run and type:

(without the quotes)(Yes, there's
a space between 2 and S)

This will take a few seconds to run.

III. Read the following KB article:

(817357) The AutoPlay Function Does Not
Work and the Current Media Does Not Appear
in My Computer When You Insert a CD or DVD

Download the Microsoft
Autoplay Repair Wizard:

Download the autofix.exe file to your
desktop. Once done, double click on
this file. A window will open. Follow the
directions on the screen.

Once done, turn off the camera and

IV. Power the camera on, wait 10-15
seconds for XP to recognize it, you
should hear some beeping sound and
the window should now open giving
you the option of downloading photos
from the camera.

V. You may have to set the options for
this window. Click on My Computer,
your camera should be listed there
under Devices with Removable Storage.
Right click on it and click on Properties.
In the opening window, click on the
Autoplay tab and under Select, scroll to
Pictures to select it. Select the button...
Prompt me...


Here is the previous fix.

Go this site:

Fourth item from the top of the page. Two
fixes are presented. One is to edit the
registry, the second one is to download
Tweak UI and do the repair with it. If you
are comfortable editing the registry, go

If not, download Tweak UI.

Once you download Tweak UI file in one
of your folders, double click on it to install

Once this is done, click on Start and click
on All Programs. Look for Power Toys for
Windows XP. Click on it and Tweak UI
will be listed. Click on it to get it started.

A window will open. Click on the + sign
next to My Computer, then click on the +
sign next to Autoplay. Then, click on Types.
Check the boxes for Autoplay Drive Types
and click OK.


Some users have reported success using a
fix posted by Roberto may be
worth a try. Proceed at your own risk...

Before editing your registry, I strongly suggest
that you read the following KB article:

Information About Editing the Registry

Here's a copy of his message:

Hello all,

I've seen many posts on this topic,
and actually I had this same problem.

My Vivitar 3550 camera used to work
with the Scanner and Camera Wizard,
until I installed Windows XP Service
Pack 1. It wasn't until more than a year
later than I found THE solution.

In the following website they post a
solution that (I think) has an error on
it, or something missing:

However, thanks to them for taking
me closer to the REAL cause of the
problem and how to solve it. The
article tells you to look for a Registry
setting in:


If you followed their instructions, great
but we are not done yet. Look for a
similar setting in:


In my case, the "NoDriveTypeAutoRun"
value here was a REG_BINARY instead
of a REG_DWORD. If this is your case,
you can try these steps:

1. Delete that binary value by highlighting
the "NoDriveTypeAutoRun" value and
pressing the DEL key.

2. Right-click on that right-pane, select
New - DWORD value.

3. Name the New Value as "NoDrive

4. Double-click or press Enter to modify
the newly created value.

5. Select the "Decimal" radio button,
and then type "145" without the quotes.

6. Click OK and then close the Registry

7. Save your work and restart your
computer. (Logging off is not enough.)

After the reboot, give your camera a try.
Mine brought the Scanner and Camera
Wizard back to life!

Please note: I don't know why that value
was binary instead of dword, and if that
was supposed to be the case. However,
I can tell you that following the steps
above was the only way I could get the
Scanner and Camera Wizard to work
with my camera again. Neither TweakUI
nor the FAQ from the Expert Zone worked
for me.

Good luck.
Roberto Cordero

One last possibility:

In your camera setup menu...try
setting the USB mode to PTP.


If all else fails...purchase a USB memory
card reader.

Good luck.



John Inzer
Picture It! MVP
return e-mail disabled

Picture It! Support Center

Digital Image Support Center

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