Windows Update - Wrong Post.


Waz Up

G'day. I posted this into the wrong NG - Oops, sorry 'bout that!

What is the protocol to report a "Bad Driver Update" from Windows
Update Site?

I always check updates and check them carefully before I download and
install. However, today I downloaded a drvier update for my Dlink AirPlus
Wireless adapter. After the download, the install began and the system went
into a CONTINUOUS reboot. Safemode and Restore fixed it.

I have all the driver details etc. But I think it prudent to report this.


Waz Up

Terry R.

On 7/22/2007 10:03 AM On a whim, Waz Up pounded out on the keyboard
G'day. I posted this into the wrong NG - Oops, sorry 'bout that!

What is the protocol to report a "Bad Driver Update" from Windows
Update Site?

I always check updates and check them carefully before I download and
install. However, today I downloaded a drvier update for my Dlink AirPlus
Wireless adapter. After the download, the install began and the system went
into a CONTINUOUS reboot. Safemode and Restore fixed it.

I have all the driver details etc. But I think it prudent to report this.


Waz Up

Did you try it more than once? It could have just been a fluke.

Terry R.

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Waz Up

Yup, Tried it 3 times. Turns out that the version on the WIndows Update site
was "Way Too Old".

Lesson learnt, don't use MS hardware updates as they are out of date anyway.



Waz Up said:
Yup, Tried it 3 times. Turns out that the version on the WIndows Update
site was "Way Too Old".

Lesson learnt, don't use MS hardware updates as they are out of date

Exactly, don't get hardware updates from the update site unless it's for an
MS hardware device. Get them only from the device manufacturer's website,
the website for the computer if it's a large OEM like Dell or HP, or from
the motherboard manufacturer's website if it's an on board device. Only
update drivers if needed for a problem or if the new driver has some must
have new feature. Otherewise, if it's working leave well enough alone.


Waz said:
What is the protocol to report a "Bad Driver Update" from Windows
Update Site?

NEVER download drivers from MS if your device is working correctly.

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