Windows Sucks



OK, now that I have your attention, I am begging that MS PLEASE FIX all the
annoyances and bugs that plague Windows XP. Each month you propagate
security updates (oh, and yes, the windoze genuine disadvantage bootleg
check) that just add more bugs and instability to the OS. Please o- Please
MS, how about a high priority update that addresses all of the stinking

Some high hitting annoyances:

-task bar annoyance - out of the blue task bar will lock up, ALT-Tab works
during this time, after about 1 minute all OK.
-windows goes stupid annoyance - out of the blue, doesn't matter which app -
office or other, you try and open a file, windows gets stupid for a few
seconds while thinking about doing what you want - you know this stupidity
is occurring when you see the tiny application icon in the extreme upper
left corner of the active window change to a dummy DOS box during this
period of confusion.

What crap - talking about Vista? Holy Crap - fix what's out there now -
don't worry about freaking Vista! FIX FREAKING XP!!!!!!

Thanks for reading - I know this will have absolutely no effect on fixing my
windoze troubles, but it sure feels good....


And millions are living with these and many other annoyances too!

Instead of concentrating on all the security patches - that break things - I
really feel they need to address the general stability and usability of the

If there were no annoyances - there'd be no reason for this newsgroup! Read
On Friend!


Wow. An OS doesnn't run 100% clean 100% of the time? One hint is add-ons you
may have. They are the number one culprit of performance problems, followed
very closely by ActiveX.

Might I suggest less a flame post and one that more directly addresses the
current problems? I'm sure someone here will be able to show you what you did

Just a thought.



If you're having stability issues, I can assure you that it's not a Windows
XP problem but rather more likely a computer made of CHEAP SHIT parts. In
case noone ever told you, "You get what you pay for"!

Have a nice day....


Some high hitting annoyances:

-task bar annoyance - out of the blue task bar will lock up, ALT-Tab works
during this time, after about 1 minute all OK.
-windows goes stupid annoyance - out of the blue, doesn't matter which app -
office or other, you try and open a file, windows gets stupid for a few
seconds while thinking about doing what you want - you know this stupidity
is occurring when you see the tiny application icon in the extreme upper
left corner of the active window change to a dummy DOS box during this
period of confusion.

We never experience any of those issues on our computers, and none of
the users report having them.

Consider getting more memory, a better computer, or taking a good look
at what your system is doing that it would have those problems, it's not


Yea, it's not Windows, tell that to everyone on the other posts on the NG.

This is actually uplifting - I like Windows, when it works - and I've never
seen such outright support of it...

Thanks for not being as sarcastic as me and as some of the earlier replies.
I know what you are saying, but the hardware is a Thinkpad with 1.5 MB RAM
and all of the latest drivers from Lenovo. No problem on the hardware.

Ken Blake, MVP

Sam said:
OK, now that I have your attention, I am begging that MS PLEASE FIX
all the annoyances and bugs that plague Windows XP. Each month you
propagate security updates (oh, and yes, the windoze genuine
disadvantage bootleg check) that just add more bugs and instability
to the OS. Please o- Please MS, how about a high priority update that
addresses all of the stinking bugs!

I'm not sure whom you think you're addressing, but just in case you're
confused, let me make it very clear: this isn't Microsoft you're talking to

This is a peer support newsgroup. We are all just Windows XP users here,
helping each other if and when we can. We are not Microsoft employees (not
even those of us with "Microsoft MVP" behind our names; that's an honorary
title for having provided consistently helpful advice) except for an
occasional employee who posts here unofficially on his own time.

And to address your complaints below, I don't have any of the problems you
describe and neither do any of the many other Windows XP users I support. If
you have such problerms, instead of complaining, you should be trying to
find out what you're doing wrong, what hardware problems you have, etc.


Like I said - it felt good to get these annoyances of my chest.

The post is only as flame as you take it to be.

Since I am not the author of XP, I cannot agree with you that I did anything


Thanks Ken,

You most likely have none of the problem the thousands of other posts have
as well - that must mean all's well with the world.

I know what this group is, and I know I am not addressing MS, holy cow
already - are we having fun yet?

Windows is GREAT!

Sorry if I appear to be complaining - but after the monthly "security"
updates are pushed out, and things suddenly don't work anymore, it can't be
Windows/MS can it?

Richard Urban

Many/most people who screw up their computers can/will "never" admit to the
fact that they are the cause of their problems. I see it all the time.

1. That program just got on there by itself. I didn't do it.
2. What's antivirus?
3. What's spyware?
4. What do you mean - I need an antivirus and some antispyware programs?
5. I always shut down the computer by turning off the power bar!
6. Well, I defragged 2 years ago.

and my favorite

7. I "always" click on anything that people send me. If they didn't want
me to have it they wouldn't send it.


Richard Urban
Microsoft MVP Windows Shell/User
(For email, remove the obvious from my address)

Quote from George Ankner:
If you knew as much as you think you know,
You would realize that you don't know what you thought you knew!

Jupiter Jones [MVP]

Your annoyances "out of the blue" sound like some type of malware.
Hopefully you are taking appropriate action to verify the computer is clean.
This can help:

If you have a suggestion for Microsoft, this is not the place.
These newsgroups are peer to peer support.
Microsoft does not officially monitor them, when you see Microsoft here,
they are here on their own time.

If you have specific suggestions/complaints for Microsoft, hopefully you are
sending the message to the correct route.

As for Vista, the fact Vista is in development does not take away from
Windows XP.
Vista is the next generation OS and will not entirely replace Windows XP.
You need to look at Windows XP and Windows Vista as independent products
with their own development teams.
Both products will continue to be developed/updated separately though issues
with one may lead to improvements in both.


Thanks for the suggestions,

Just running office and windows - all MS products that cannot work nicely

and 2-7, WOW, I DIDN'T KNOW ALL THIS!!! :) get real!

Richard Urban

There are maybe 10-20 thousand posts a month, including the answers to the
people who post questions. These also include a huge amount of people who
post/repost because they "just don't have a clue", and like one of my
brothers - they don't want to.

This is out of what, 280 million copies of Windows XP sold and in use.

A very tiny part of a single percent of all users.


Richard Urban
Microsoft MVP Windows Shell/User
(For email, remove the obvious from my address)

Quote from George Ankner:
If you knew as much as you think you know,
You would realize that you don't know what you thought you knew!


Thanks Jupiter - I appreciate your suggestions and comments. I do realize
this group is not MS, just wanted to get this off my chest without offending

Every OS has it's problems, I don't expect 100% perfection 100% of the time,
but the replies I here got seem to really defend XP but judging the number
of posts and (thankfully) monthly patches, I cannot agree - it's got a long
way to go... It's a work in progress and there's nothing wrong with that!


You are correct - it is a small percentage.

I just want my computer to work - I'm not asking for much - you know, when I
ask it to shut down, I would like it to do so without complaining, or
hanging - if an app is not responding, just close it and stop complaining -
the OS should be in charge - not all the apps that may cause issues.


Yea, it's not Windows, tell that to everyone on the other posts on the NG.

This is actually uplifting - I like Windows, when it works - and I've never
seen such outright support of it...

Thanks for not being as sarcastic as me and as some of the earlier replies.
I know what you are saying, but the hardware is a Thinkpad with 1.5 MB RAM
and all of the latest drivers from Lenovo. No problem on the hardware.

I try and help without being sarcastic most times.

So, what services/apps are running when this problem happens?

Is your laptop on battery or AC power?

I have a P4/3.2ghz/HT (not a mobile) in a Toshiba Laptop using the
latest vendors drivers and all the latest service patches from MS, and I
don't see any pauses or other things you describe.

We have a ton of laptop users that also don't report such problems, so
it could be a driver or some other app/driver/service.

Look at what processes you have running and start there to see if you
can identify which ones are causing the issues.

Ken Blake, MVP

Sam said:
Thanks Ken,

You most likely have none of the problem the thousands of other posts
have as well - that must mean all's well with the world.

Realize two things:

1. If you're reading about problems *here*, this where people come with
their problems, not with their successes. You get a very distorted view of
what's going on in the real world here; as someone once said, "hang around a
transmission shop and you will think that all cars have transmission

2. Most problems, by far, that people report here--whether or not they are
SP2-related--have nothing to do with defects in the software. They result
from people's ignorance, from bad or inadequate hardware, from old drivers,
from viruses, from spyware, and so on. And except for very rare situations,
they always get a fix for their problems, and in most cases, that fix is a
very simple one to implement.

I don't claim that Windows XP is perfect. No software product is--certainly
none as big as an operating system. But as software products go--especially
compared to previous versions of Windows--Windows XP is excellent.


Just running office and windows - all MS products that cannot work nicely

take a look at your posts, you're starting to come off as a troll.

Office 2000, Office XP and Office 2003 and Open Office work very well
with Windows XP.

Again, you've got to have something wrong with your setup if you're
seeing issues like you describe.

Rather than ranting and appearing to be tolling, start learning how to
determine what you machine is doing, what you've done to it, what the
vendor provided that you don't need on the machine, and what things you
don't know about that are running.

Larry Samuels

Sounds more like you need to find out what is wrong with your pc and fix
My bet is spyware <G>

Larry Samuels Associate Expert
MS-MVP (2001-2005)
Unofficial FAQ for Windows Server 2003 at
Expert Zone-

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