Windows Mail



I have road runner with TWC on my main PC that is upstairs and I just got a
laptop so my husband can see pictures and e-mails downstairs, my problem is
TWC set me up with an account for my laptop and I have a router with the main
PC but I can not receive e-mails, when TWC checks everything is working, I
can send e-mails but can't receive mai. I get an error that the connection
has been terminater, but yet I an still online. When I spoke with Dell they
said that there was a problem with the cable compamy and they say there is
nothing wrong on their end. How can I fix this??

Gary VanderMolen

Which antivirus are you running? Some of them are not very
compatible with Windows Mail.


I use the free AVG antivirus, but I think there is a Trend Micro PC-cillin
that came on the Dell computer.


This is the message that I get.
Your server has unexpectedly terminated the connection. Possible causes for
this include server problems, network problems, or a long period of
inactivity. Account: '', Server:
'', Protocol: POP3, Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No, Error
Number: 0x800CCC0F

Gary VanderMolen

Your problem is most likely caused by your antivirus.
Trend Micro antivirus is among the top three troublemakers for Windows Mail.
First, go into its settings and disable any interaction with email, then try
Windows Mail again. If no improvement, do a trial uninstall.

Another option (instead of uninstalling Trend Micro) is to upgrade to
Windows Live Mail, which is more resistant to the adverse effects of
overly intrusive antivirus products:

In any case you must disable any antivirus email scanning, for the reason
explained here:

Frank Saunders MS-MVP IE,OE/WM

Ruth said:
This is the message that I get.
Your server has unexpectedly terminated the connection. Possible causes
this include server problems, network problems, or a long period of
inactivity. Account: '', Server:
'', Protocol: POP3, Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No,
Number: 0x800CCC0F

Email scanning should be turned off in any anti-virus. Also exclude EML
files from the scan. It provides no protection not provided by the regular
resident protection.
Besides that, McAfee and Norton are not compatible with Windows Mail and
Outlook Express and should be uninstalled. The latest version of Trend's
anti-virus seems to be causing problems too.

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