Windows Mail stripping attachments from one sender only



Hopefully someone out there can help me. Windows mail running on Vista and
the darn program keeps removing attachments from one sender only. It must
have something to do with the settings in the account section because I can
forward from the internet (before downloading into WM) to my gmail account
and WM will download attachments.
This has me baffled, anyone have any suggestions?

Thanks in advance


Antivirus software blocking attachments from that sender . . . . . . try
turning off its email scanning.

Gary VanderMolen \(MVP\)

Chances are, that sender is using Outlook when sending attachments to you.
The explanation for that problem is here:

The basic problem is that Outlook, by default, uses a proprietary form of
encoding for attachments, which is not readable by non-Outlook mail clients.
Web-based mail services typically include the extra decoding needed for
Outlook attachments, so you don't see the problem there.
Ask the sender to resend the attachment using plain text format.


If that's the case, I wouldn't expect WM would handle the attachments if I
have sent to my other email address (gmail). Would you?

Gary VanderMolen \(MVP\)

WM will handle Outlook attachments just fine, providing the sender
used plain text format. It isn't anything unique to Windows Mail, because
the same thing would happen if that message was received by Outlook
Express, Windows Live Mail, Thunderbird, Eudora, etc.

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