Windows Mail Attachments not opening


Bavy M

I am unable to open attachments with all incoming emails on Windows Mail
with Vista OS. The problem has started only recently after about 6 months of

Can any one please urgently advise me how to recitify that.

Rainald Taesler

Bavy said:
I am unable to open attachments with all incoming emails on Windows
Mail with Vista OS. The problem has started only recently after about
6 months of usage.

As there is a "known problem":
Do you have upgraded to IE8?

If so:
Does this happen with *all* types of files?

Which error messages do you receive?


Steve Cochran

go to Tools | Internet Options in IE and delete the files. See if that
fixes the problem. If not then go to Tools | Internet options | Settings |
Move folder and move the folder to a subdirectory (create it) under
Downloads. Then see if the problem is fixed. Try rebooting first.


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