Windows Live OneCare



I know this is Windows attempt to penetrate the AV, maleware, spyware
market, However has anyone tried this with either positive or negative
results. I know it sounds ridiculous to purchase a fix it software of
the original manufacturer, but with that wouldn't they know how to fix
the spyware and virus attacks better than other software. Because the
viruses will be out there regardless of who sells the the OS. And I
know that no one would be trusting the firewall or tune up features
that it boasts. I am more interested about the AV and spyware cleaning
that Windows is saying this is the best. On a side note who really
does have the best spyware removal tool, I have so many users to
troubleshoot and so many programs that seem the same. I've tried
almost all of them, but I can't find a clear winner. I'm just
wondering if windows OneCare will compete with say Ad-ware spybot or
trend micro etc...


I purchased the OneCare and then contacted MS to see the future:

1. Only handles Virus Scanning
2. Monitors Windows Defender for Spyware
3. Has a Tuneup feature (basuic system cleanup, ...)
4. Monitors Firewall
5. Provides Backup front-end

When contacted MS, ask about future:

1. Looking into Registry Scanning feature
2. Looking into Spam Monitoring
3. Looking into System Monitoring (basic file protection ... comparing
security scans)
4. Possible ... Windows Update interface

I agree ... if anyone knows where to put in hooks to provide protection ...
I would assume that MS would since it's their software.

However, with their latest go-round of updates, and the failure by many with
their systems crashing ... I'm a little concerned on the integrity of their
software lately. Ever since MS announced out-sourcing to India and China,
I've seen the productivity and basic software configuration go down.

Only time will tell with OneCare ... if they get it to work better than
Microsoft Update ... and not sneek things into the software that they don't
tell anyone about ... and there is no system degradation ... then it will be
a great product.

OneCare is also dependent on MS Update, and I have run into problems getting
updates for OneCare as well. One day it took 4 hours to retrieve. There is
no progress indicator when updating.

PA Bear

...has anyone tried this with either positive or negative results.

Apparently a /lot/ of people are buying it:

Windows Live OneCare Support Forums
...I am more interested about the AV and spyware cleaning

OneCare includes an option to also install Windows Defender.
...On a side note who really
does have the best spyware removal tool

IMHO, no one anti-spyware application is best. For some recommendations,

David H. Lipman

From: "Speilman_54" <[email protected]>

| I know this is Windows attempt to penetrate the AV, maleware, spyware
| market, However has anyone tried this with either positive or negative
| results. I know it sounds ridiculous to purchase a fix it software of
| the original manufacturer, but with that wouldn't they know how to fix
| the spyware and virus attacks better than other software. Because the
| viruses will be out there regardless of who sells the the OS. And I
| know that no one would be trusting the firewall or tune up features
| that it boasts. I am more interested about the AV and spyware cleaning
| that Windows is saying this is the best. On a side note who really
| does have the best spyware removal tool, I have so many users to
| troubleshoot and so many programs that seem the same. I've tried
| almost all of them, but I can't find a clear winner. I'm just
| wondering if windows OneCare will compete with say Ad-ware spybot or
| trend micro etc...

As an anti virus product it falls way below industru standards.

I strongly suggest Kaspersky or NOD32 solutions.

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