windows installer on start up



Hello,have got a windows installer box come up when I start my computer,sits
there for 5 mins then goes away,It doesnt stop me doing anthing else but is
annoying ,I have tried the installer clean up but no joy,would very much like
to get rid,can anyone help pls. running xp

Ramesh, MS-MVP


What is it trying to install? Have you checked the Event log?

Windows Installer Team Blog : Windows Installer Appears Every Time a Program
is Started:

Windows Installer Team Blog : "Stop Installation Idiocy" PCWorld's Hassle
Free PC article:


Ramesh Srinivasan, Microsoft MVP [Windows XP Shell/User]
Windows® XP Troubleshooting

Hello,have got a windows installer box come up when I start my computer,sits
there for 5 mins then goes away,It doesnt stop me doing anthing else but is
annoying ,I have tried the installer clean up but no joy,would very much
to get rid,can anyone help pls. running xp

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