Windows genuine advantage update ?



Windows wants to install this update. It is supposed to find pirated
copies of the OS, if I understand correctly. It sounds like something
that could only cause trouble for the user if it doesn't work right.

Is it a good idea to install this update. My software is genuine.



Windows wants to install this update. It is supposed to find pirated
copies of the OS, if I understand correctly. It sounds like something
that could only cause trouble for the user if it doesn't work right.
Is it a good idea to install this update. My software is genuine.

WGA is supposed to be working correctly but I still don't think it's a
good idea to install it. Hide that particular update next time you're
on the update site and it won't be downloaded. You'll continue to
receive other updates.


WGA is supposed to be working correctly but I still don't think it's a
good idea to install it. Hide that particular update next time you're
on the update site and it won't be downloaded. You'll continue to
receive other updates.

Thanks, I'll do that. I have found the option to unhide updates, but
I can't find the option to hide them. Where must I navigate to in
order to hide the update?



Jackson said:
Thanks, I'll do that. I have found the option to unhide updates, but
I can't find the option to hide them. Where must I navigate to in
order to hide the update?


I just did this the other day on a machine but I am getting old fast and I
don't remember exactly what it looks like or says.
When you uncheck the little box next to the update in the notification box
and click ok, you will get a popup box that asks if you want to not be
notified of this update again or something like that.

Ron Martell

Jackson said:
Windows wants to install this update. It is supposed to find pirated
copies of the OS, if I understand correctly. It sounds like something
that could only cause trouble for the user if it doesn't work right.

Is it a good idea to install this update. My software is genuine.


There are many optional downloads and accessories for Windows XP that
require WGA before you can download. Windows Defender is one example,
and there are some additional themes and other enhancements for
Windows XP that just came available.

There is no real harm to installing the update. Even if your Windows
XP does not pass the test (because somebody copied your product key
and posted it to a website or similar) your computer will still remain
usable and you will still receive the critical updates via automatic
download. And you can uninstall the WGA update if you do have this

Good luck

Ron Martell Duncan B.C. Canada
Microsoft MVP (1997 - 2006)
On-Line Help Computer Service
Syberfix Remote Computer Repair

"Anyone who thinks that they are too small to make a difference
has never been in bed with a mosquito."

Jack *Dildo

If you have a genuine Windows installed on your system then you have
nothing to worry about WGA. What made you say that: "It sounds like
something that could only cause trouble for the user if it doesn't work
right". You haven't tried it and if you listen to pirates and hackers
then you will continue to believe that erroneous message.

Hope tis helps.

Jack *Dildo


Jackson remove XX said:
Windows wants to install this update. It is supposed to find pirated
copies of the OS, if I understand correctly. It sounds like something
that could only cause trouble for the user if it doesn't work right.

Is it a good idea to install this update. My software is genuine.

I used the hide function on the update site.
Will wait until Microsoft makes it mandatory.
Perhaps you may remember the last version of this item had a tendency to
call Microsoft every couple of hours, then it was patched and called
everyday, then it was removed from the update site. I think it was named WGA
Notifier. Microsoft issued an uninstaller for that version.
I believe this is v.
If you install you may want to check on the ability to remove this version.

take care.


if you wish to receive updates/patches you may not have a choice.

I believe that's only an issue if you elect to manually download
updates. But I'm pretty sure you can still enable automatic critical
(only) updates.


Jack said:
If you have a genuine Windows installed on your system then you have
nothing to worry about WGA.

Now, *that's* funny!

False positives abound and anyone who downloads and installs WGA is a fool.

There is no reason for paying customers to have to prove they're not a
thief three times.


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