Windows Explorer does not search



Hello -

I have recently run into a problem with the Windows XP search. I am able to
search my local machine and anything on my local network. However, if I try
to search something outside of my domain, I get no results returned.
Actually, it doesn't look like it is even searching. I put the criteria in
and hit Search, it sits for minute like it is thinking, then starts the
search but only searches for a few seconds. It doesn't go through the
directories in that folder, it just brings back "No results to display" and I
know the particular file (IE: *.xls) I am searching for is on the
server\folder I am searching.

Any suggestions as to why this might not be working?

Thank you.


Were you able to find a solution to this problem ?
I'm experiencing the exact same problem.



What do you mean? Windows XP should only allow you to connect to 1 domain
at a time. Why would you search outside of your domain? Switch to that
domain and it should work.


I'm not searching a different domain (and I believe Rachel was implying the
same thing). Just searching a network share not local to my LAN.

1) can search local drives and local network shares without any problems.
2) when trying to search a remote network share (in my
domain), the search results are empty. I can manually browse to and read/open
the files that are located on the remote share that have the extensions that
searching for. I can even open up a command prompt window and do a manual
cd and dir *.ext /s and find the files. I can even use 3rd party search
tools (like File Finder in Corel Wordperfect Suite) to do searches. Win2K
machines can perform the searches fine also. It just seems XP machines are
having the problem using Windows Explorer to do a normal filename search. I
just get "Search is complete. There are no results to display"

The closest KB article I could find on the matter was 885843. But the
shell32.dll file that it references is pretty old now.


Figured it out.

Need to set
HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\SearchSlowFiles to 1.

Richard D. said:
I'm not searching a different domain (and I believe Rachel was implying the
same thing). Just searchin
g a network share not local to my LAN.

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