Windows Exlorer Cut/Paste Events?



Short Question:
How do I support Cut/Paste to/from a .NET app and Windows Explorer?

Full Text:
I'm nearing the completion of a Remote File Management application.
It looks and feels a lot like Windows Explorer. The difference is
that it communicates with a remote server via web services. The
remote web services store and retrieve the file bits to/from a
database... along with some other bells and whistles that Explorer
doesn't have.

I've got full support for drag and drop between my app and the
Windows Explorer, but a new requirement has come up that I have to
cut/copy/paste between my application and Windows Explorer. I've got
copy working just fine from my Edit/Copy menu (I just do a
Clipboard.SetFileDropList(FileCollection) after copying them to a
folder), then Windows Explorer can use it's Edit/Paste menu to get
files. My delima relates to the "Cut" command:

If the user selects fils and/or folders from my app, then chooses
Cut from my menu, then goes to Windows Explorer and chooses Edit/
Paste, How do I know when Windows Explorer has successfully completed
the paste so I can then remove the files from my remote system? I
assume there's some sort of system event that I either need to
subscribe to or poll?

Same question in reverse. When someone cuts from Windows Explorer
pastes into my app, how do I let Explorer know that I've stored the
files successfully, so Explorer can then delete the files locally?


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