Win 2000 Install


Harold O'Brien

I have a DVR, (Digital Video Recorder), that is currently
running a Win 98 OS on the C drive. The images are stored
on a logical D drive, about 50 gigs worth. I need to
upgrade to Win2K and I must save the images. I would
rather not back up the images before upgrading the OS
because of the time required to do so.

I would like to install Win2k on the C drive and during
the install convert both logical drives to NTFS. Is that

Pegasus \(MVP\)

While an upgrade from Win98 to Win2000 is possible,
you would end up with a far more robust and stable
installation if you did a clean installation of Win2000.

AFAIK, if you want NTFS on your system drive during
the installation then you will have to let the installation
process format your system drive. You will have to
convert your data drive to NTFS later on.

About the time it takes to back up your DVD files:
If you think it takes too long to do it, think about how
much longer it will take to restore them. If these files
are important to you then you should get another
disk now and back them up. Yesterday I replaced
a client's hard disk that failed catastrophically. He
did not believe in backups. He now does.

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