will Access do this?



I am looking for a program to help me organize my research. I suspect that
Access or some other type of database program can easily do it. I want a
program in which I can quickly open a document, type a short note, then save
the document in multiple categories, so later I can just select the category
and see every note I placed in that category. And it would be nice if I
could search the database by keyword, too, the same way a search engine
works. What type of program does this? Can Access do it?

Arvin Meyer [MVP]

Access can easily do that. One of my databases has over 5,000 records with
as much as 64K of notes in several of them. Another has over 60,000 records
with less than 2K in each.

John... Visio MVP

These newsgroups are provided by Microsoft for FREE peer to peer support.
There are many here who gladly help for FREE. Stevie is not one of them. He
just does not get it and prefers to con unsuspecting people out of their
hard earned money with the pretense that he knows what he is doing. He has
proven many times that he does not.

Stevie, It was enjoyable while you were away. It is now time to crawl back
under your rock and stop harrassing the users of these newsgroups.

John... Visio MVP

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