Can Access do this?



I am looking for a program to help me organize my research. I suspect that
Access or some other type of database program can easily do it. I want a
program in which I can quickly open a document, type a short note, then save
the document in multiple categories, so later I can just select the category
and see every note I placed in that category. And it would be nice if I
could search the database by keyword, too, the same way a search engine
works. What type of program does this? Can Access do it?

Daniel Pineault

Why work with a document? Simply store your note directly in the database
and if need be create a report to output your note(s). But, the short answer
is yes Access can help you with your needs to create notes and categorize
them and permit you to search through entries and filter entries based on
Hope this helps,

Daniel Pineault
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Albert D. Kallal

hovila said:
I am looking for a program to help me organize my research. I suspect that
Access or some other type of database program can easily do it. I want a
program in which I can quickly open a document, type a short note, then
the document in multiple categories, so later I can just select the
and see every note I placed in that category. And it would be nice if I
could search the database by keyword, too, the same way a search engine
works. What type of program does this? Can Access do it?

Access is a programming and development tool. so, if you want to write a
game of chess, or even a video game like space invaders in ms-access, you
can well do so.

You asking is can a hammer and nails build a house. The answer is yes, but
the hammer and nails will not do the work for you. Access can do this, but
no more so then can a hammer and nails build a house.

In other words, you need software development experience to accomplish this

However, ms-access is somewhat weak of a tool in terms of text indexing. in
other words, access works well when you can search for a field that might be
called "city"


city = "Edmonton"

However, if the data is free text, then ms access is not really the ideal
tool here, and sql server is better tool to store the data with (because it
has text indexing). However, while sql server is better for storing the
data, sql server does not allow you to build a interface to that data. So,
you could still consider using ms-access as the developer tool, and store
the data in sql server...

a a r o n . k e m p f

Access should not be used in any professional environment

move to a database with a future-- like SQL Server or mySQL.

sorry-- but Jet has been obsolete for a decade now

David W. Fenton

However, if the data is free text, then ms access is not really
the ideal tool here, and sql server is better tool to store the
data with (because it has text indexing). However, while sql
server is better for storing the data, sql server does not allow
you to build a interface to that data. So, you could still
consider using ms-access as the developer tool, and store the data
in sql server...

This raises the question:

How do you build a UI in Access to SQL Server's full-text searching
function? I would know how to do it with MySQL, since I've already
written the SQL for that on web pages, but am wondering if it's just
as simple as in MySQL?

Aaron Kempf knows nothing

a a r o n . k e m p f @ g m a i l . c o said:
Aaron should not be used in any professional environment

move to a jail cell with a future-- like King County or Snohomish County

sorry-- but I have been obsolete for a decade now

Albert D. Kallal

David W. Fenton said:
This raises the question:

How do you build a UI in Access to SQL Server's full-text searching

I not built anything as of yet with text indexing.

Select * from tblcutomers where Resume like "*watersports*"

We might have two fields that represents their job resumes.

If the "text" in more then one column we can go:

Select * from tblcutomers where CONTAINS(Col1, col2, "watersports")

Using contains means we don't need the wild card characters anymore. You can
specify MORE then one column for the text as above. And, CONTAINS() does
support wildcards if you want. (but, this would have to be a passh-though
query in ms-access). Does this work with odbc non pass-thgough? I don't

Select * from tblcutomers where CONTAINS(Col1, col2, "water* AND sports")

However that huge hunk of text would likely return many records that have
the word "water" and "sports" somewhere. If we are looking for people who
enjoy water sports that search is still not really going be that usefall.

We want those words to be "close" to each other.

Hence, you an use "NEAR" keyword such as:

Select * from tblcutomers where CONTAINS(Resume, "water NEAR sports")

That will match:

Water sports
Play sports in the water
Love swimming and playing sports in the water.

I have texting indexing installed on my laptop, but am not using it, nor
I built anything with it. Last time I looked, the text indexing is
available for even the free edition of sql server now.

So, this certainly does open some new areas of text searching type
applications for ms-access and we
can deploy this to clients without any costs now that both sql server
express and the access
runtime system are free...


What on earth does taunting the troll accomplish, other than making you feel
clever for a few moments?

The way to raise the overall level of professionalism here is to act more
professionally--that goes for all of us, including me.

After weeks of futility, I pretty much gave up on Aaron, but maybe there is
still some way you can be encouraged to move on.

Thanks for your attention.

"Aaron Kempf knows nothing"

Aaron Kempf knows nothing

I'm his shadow. If he posts, I post. If he doesn't post, I don't post.

George Hepworth

Ah, so you've adopted the position that one bad troll deserves another.

"Aaron Kempf knows nothing"

George Hepworth

True enough. On the other hand, it doesn't hurt to let "whoever this is"
know that they have become nothing more than a troll in training, ironic as
that may seem.

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