
VBA and VB isn't just for 'novice developers'

the .net framework evened the playing field; and anyone that tells you
different is a C geek and needs to be put out of thier misery LoL


Millions of linux and bsd users?

I'm not sure I agree that there are millions.. There may be someday..

Of course, you're an AOL kid so that explains your socialist leanings..



Frank Kabel wrote...
. . . But again: There's a world outside
Windows. Please tell me how you use VB on them? (though would be nice to
have it on these platforms...) . . .

I have nothing against choice, but I doubt you'd get many *x developers
interested in using VB[*] or any BASIC dialect. Once one gets used to
the terseness of C-derived languages like Perl, PHP, Java, etc., it's
very hard to return to the klunkiness of BASIC. There's also the
syntactic obtuseness of array dereferncing and function calls with
integer arguments being lexically identical (both starting with
identifier tokens followed by parenthesized lists of integer

FWIW, *x systems have XBasic, which is also available for Windows.
. . . And if you now argue that Windows will
replace everything else: Well this won't happen in the near future and here
as well choose the right platform for the right task

Clearly won't happen on mainframes. And there are a few too many
millions of Linux and FreeBSD users and (yes) developers to imagine
it'll ever happen on smaller systems. Definitely won't happen until
Microsoft figures out how to write secure software.
. . . If you can't see this difference
than you seem to be very restrictive in the choice of your tools. And that
is never a good sign.

To paraphrase the old saying, if you only know how to use a hammer,
everything looks like a nail (and you litter your responses with links
to articles in Hammer & Nail magazine).

Harlan Grove

WTF is a 'calculation-driven application'

As an example, any form of simulation, which usually involve generating
random deviates in the billions to quadrillions (or higher orders of
magnitude), such as used to model the flow of air molecules over a surface.
You're the one who brought up super computers and clusters a while back.
Don't you know what they're used for? On a smaller scale, they can be used
to simulate financial results, for example the total return on bond funds
taking into account changes in interest rates, changes in the economic cycle
that lead to defaults on commercial bonds, call exercise, etc., which
generally involves only millions to billions of random deviates. Such
applications are
characterized by the ratio of the number of calculations to the number of
initial data values being on the order of 1,000 or higher.

Damn few database applications fall into that problem domain, but as you've
proven to be dirt ignorant outside of the database domain, not surprising
you couldn't think of any.
Are you saying I don't do calculations? The breadth of calculations that
databases can do-- especially when you consider temporary tables-- it is
sickening to me to think that you have the audacity to think that you have
a 'calculation driven application' and i dont.

You're confusing the number of arithmetic operations with calculations. The
area between the x-axis and a curve between two points on the x-axis is an
example of one calculation that could involve millions (or more) of
arithmetic operations (search for Gaussian quadrature is you don't
understand what I'm talking about).

No doubt database operations can rack up operation counts in the millions to
billions, but the sum of a given field in a billion records is *one*
calculation to me and obviously a billion to you. Once again, you just don't
understand because you lack any breadth of experience.

Sad. As I've mentioned before, I should pity you.
your calculation driven application is a waste of time, i can automate your
job in my sleep.

Since you haven't even shown you could write an amortization table either in
a database or anything else, just another empty, unproven assertion.
You just have no appreciation for databases; and thats why you are roadkill

I'm the one, not you, who's shown any SQL code in this thread. I use it when
it's appropriate, and I use other software when it's not. Unlike you, I have
some appreciation of applications that do and don't make sense for
databases. The good news for you is that just like ditch diggers and toilet
uncloggers, there'll always be a job for you with your, er, talents (as
claimed but not yet substantiated).

Harlan Grove

all it is is a query.. joined to itself a whole bunch of times...
technically an N number of times.. aka a crosstab (or matrix for you trendy

Vacuous. All anything is in a SQL RDBMS is a sequence of queries.

So, genius, how *exactly* do you produce a query with a table joined to
itself 361 times (30 year loan with monthly payments including time periods
from month 0 through month 360)? Would these all be inner or outer joins?

What's in the table initially? Just the original loan amount and some zeros?

Why the hell would it be a crosstab? Amortization tables include columns for
month, principal portion of current payment, interest portion of current
payment and principal balance after current payment, with month 0 showing
zeros for principal and interest portions and the original loan amount as
principal balance. Seems like a table with 4 columns, and the number of
columns is invariant with respect to the number of periods over which the
loan is repaid. Perhaps you have some weird, idiosyncratic definition of
crosstab. Wouldn't come as a surprise at this point.
it didnt occur to you to try this in google?

or you can ask on a newsgroup?

I did. There are some hits for Access and amortization. Taking one as an
example, (mind the line wrapping)


the code therein is WAY LESS EFFICIENT than the standard Excel (or even the
standard procedural programming) approach. If you can do better, show us!

FTHOI, the ideal Excel approach involves column headers in A1:D1 (Month,
Principal Paid, Interest Paid, Principal Balance), zeros in A2:C2, original
loan amount in D2, loan term referenced by the defined name N, periodic
effective interest rate referenced by the defined name i, periodic loan
payment referenced by the defined name P, and the following formulas in





(yes, my idea of the ideal approach doesn't involve IPMT or PPMT) then A3:D3
filled down as far as needed.
do you know why Oracle doesn't come out with a spreadsheet? Do you know
why IBM doesn't come out with a spreadsheet program??

Oracle came out with SQL*Calc back in the late 1980s. Demand for it was so,
er, muted that Oracle wisely decided to expend no further resources in
pointless competition with much better and much cheaper spreadsheets sold by
Lotus, Borland, Microsoft etc. And IBM now owns Lotus, so IBM sells 123
(though you'd never know it from the lack of marketing by IBM).

Yet more oppotunity to reduce the staggering ignorance under which you plod
along from day to day.

No! Because it makes no economic sense to compete against Excel.

Wake up and extract your head from where the sun never shines.
is there a bootcamp for 'how to be a jackass beancounter and re-create the
same report by hand every week'?

Right next door to the 'I got a database so I can do anything' school of
ignorant fools.
hahaha where you gonna go when you hit the 64k limit buddy?

Those who use spreadsheets correctly know that they shouldn't try to handle
tables that large. But to turn things around, where you gonna go when you
need to fit a function to a set of data?

Harlan Grove

VAR and STDEV is also in SQL Server.. the things that you guys don't
understand is that ANY FUNCTION that is in Excel is also in MDX-- they share
the same codebase..

Really? Does MDX include all the engineering functions like BETAINV and
MMULT or (this be nasty) TRANSPOSE?
It came out 5 or 6 years ago; and it's changing the world.

Here you're being inconsistent. You started off complaining that continued
Excel use was stifling acceptance and growth of databases (specifically
Access and MDX). Now you're claiming it's transformational. If what you're
saying now were correct, you wouldn't have had to gripe about Excel

As most database processing doesn't take place on Windows systems, it may be
changing the Windows world, but it's having squat all impact elsewhere.
The difference is that you can either put your business logic in a
spreadsheet and copy if every month..

OK, I give up. You're too damn stupid and/or prejudiced to understand how to
do it right in spreadsheets.
or you can automate and catalog the MDX and presto-chango-- you don't need
to make the same report every week.

No, you don't need to recreate the same report each week, but if your boss
expects it, you damn well better generate it each week. If you designed a
spreadsheet correctly, you could just rerun it each week without new data
entry. However, as previously agreed, repetitive reports would be better
implemented as database apps. But again you're too damn stupid and/or
prejudiced to learn that reports aren't the only thing spreadsheets can do.
I can put together an amortization table.. all it is is a self join (in
RDBMS) or a pretty PivotList via OLAP (much more powerful); a bunch of
times.. not that complex. I would prefer to do it in olap

From another response, but repetition is good for limited intellects like

So, genius, how *exactly* do you produce a query with a table joined to
itself 361 times (30 year loan with monthly payments including time periods
from month 0 through month 360)? Would these all be inner or outer joins?

What's in the table initially? Just the original loan amount and some zeros?

Why the hell would it be a crosstab? Amortization tables include columns for
month, principal portion of current payment, interest portion of current
payment and principal balance after current payment, with month 0 showing
zeros for principal and interest portions and the original loan amount as
principal balance. Seems like a table with 4 columns, and the number of
columns is invariant with respect to the number of periods over which the
loan is repaid. Perhaps you have some weird, idiosyncratic definition of
crosstab. Wouldn't come as a surprise at this point.
OLAP makes it a lot easier than traditional database queries... We can make
it in a pretty crosstab format so that you guys can export it from the
database and put it in your spreadsheet; and then you can pull it out of a
database, you make it pretty; waste a lot of time.. and then you recreate
the same report next week.

OK, it's now clear. Since you seem to believe amortization tables could be
generated by crosstabs, you have not the slightest clue what an amortization
table is. Amortization tables aren't reports that need to be recreated ever
(well, not for fixed interest rates).

Now, since the number of periods over which loan payments could be made is
itself variable, the same query, if implemented by N+1 joins where N is the
number of loan payments, can't be used to generate amortization tables for
5-year, 10-year, 15-year and 30-year loans. You'd need a different query for
each loan period. In a spreadsheet, if the table should end when the
principal balance reaches zero, all that's needed is a little extra logic

A99: (month or payment period)

B99: (principal paid)

C99: (interest paid)


Ensure that the formulas extend down to accomodate the longest possible loan
duration, and one spreadsheet handles any acceptable number of payments.

As I've mentioned before, subject matter knowledge is more important that
database programming ability (and it pays a lot more, too).
don't you guys feel hollow inside?

Nowhere near as hollow as the region between your ears.
don't you guys see that there MIGHT be a better way?

For amortization tables? Not even close. Spreadsheets MUCH BETTER! As proven
compound interest-- this kindof stuff is easy to do in a database.. this
stuff is simple simple stuff.

Then provide details on how *exactly* you'd generate an amortization table.
Not vague statements about arbitrary joins, but what's initially in the
table that your querying, and what the query would actually look like.
Get a clue, spreadsheets are dead.. MDX and OLAP or SQL Server can do
anything you're doing.. but you guys are too egocentric to drop this
obsolete program and wake up to the 21st century.

Really?! This is OT because it doesn't involve spreadsheets. I receive
information in PDF files that include tables in various formats about twice
a month from outside brokers (so the data in those PDF files isn't on my own
company's systems except as PDF files on my own PC). In order to use that
information, I run an ancient version of pdf2text to convert the PDF files
to nearly unformatted plain text. Then I use awk or perl scripts to extract
the information I need into CSV files.

Other than writing procedural VBA code in a module in Access, how would
Access *without* VBA be able to pull anything from these PDF files?

Once again the paucity of your own experience bites you in the butt.
I just want to make sure that every one of you understand that there is a
war going on in IT departments; and this is a battle against Elitist
obsolete management; and database professionals that are going to automate
you out of a job.

Or to put it another way, between the experienced managers who have some
idea that their companies sell goods or services other than databases
against the interchangeable developer grunts who are so limited that can
only understand the database they work with on a day-to-day basis.

The difference between us is that I know what you do, but you don't know
what I do (or any other participant in this thread does). I mean that even
if we gave you our job titles and job descriptions, you still wouldn't

Actually I'm giving way to much credit to your assessment of what's going on
in IT departments and companies as a whole. In most companies there's
movement toward recentralization. That means centralization of application
development when it makes sense, and it also means greater use of
centralized databases at least as storage subsystems for other applications.

Other departments will go along with this as long as they can still do what
they need to do. As most IT departments have no one with a clue how the US
federal corporate income tax laws work, tax departments will still generate
the reports they need to (such as federal and state corporate income tax
returns) without additional IT assistance. Ditto investment management
departments. Ditto manufacturing production departments (aside from
inventory control). Ditto engineering departments.

I have yet to see any IT department generate the important 1 to 5 page
reports rather than the 1,000+ page reports that other departments have to
sift through to generate the important 1 to 5 pagers (well, aside from the
reports on software and hardware support and training costs, but those
reports are usually generated by nondevelopers who have some clue about
business). Why don't they? Because most of the IT staff has no clue what's
important in the 1,000+ page reports they generate because they have no clue
what their companies actually do or really understand what they sell.
I hope that you guys diversify and expand your horizons.

Seems like you're the fool with all your eggs in one basket.

Harlan Grove

klunkiness of VB


it's got _EVERYTHIGN_ those other languages have and then some.

Really? How do you write a hash table in VB? Hashes are an integral data
structure in Perl and most other scripting languages. How do you write
pointers or references to functions in VB so you can, e.g., write a single
topological sort routine that accepts a comparison function (like StrComp
for strings) as a parameter? Again, Perl and the other object oriented
scripting languages, C/C++, Java, even some dialects of Pascal provide this.
How about the lack of short circuit boolean evaluation which makes some
conditional checks require two or more If blocks rather than one, thus
unnecessarily complicating the logic? How about the lack of C's continue or
Perl's next statements which eliminate the need for many If blocks or GoTos
as opposed to single line If statements inside loops?
it has better errorhandling.. it has better _PERFORMANCE_ than other
languages out there.

Clueless again!

Presumably you mean VB per se rather than VB.Net since VB.Net is just
another language generating virtual machine code for .Net to execute.

Does VB provide anything more than 'On Error GoTo <label in current proc>'
and 'On Error Resume Next'? Have you ever seen a performance comparison
between VB and any scripting language for any serious text transformations?
Have you ever seen a comparison of calculating eigenvectors and eigenvalues
of square matrices between VB and FORTRAN? (Since any halfway intelligent VB
developer would call routines in LINPACK or LAPACK, they'd actually be using
compiled FORTRAN libraries, so not a real comparison.) How many operating
systems or hardware device drivers are writen in VB?
VB has momentum. VB has marketshare.

We differ on whether

market share = better language


market share = dominant monopoly pushing it

Also another example of your lack of perspective. Since your so mired in a
Windows shop you just don't factor in development on non-Windows OSs. VB is
nothing outside Windows.
it is ridiculous to even consider other languages.

In the same way it's ridiculous to consider anything other than English as a
human language. If all you speak is English and you lack the intelligence
and/or perseverence to learn anything else, yelling at everyone else to
speak English may have some appeal. That's what your databases & VB ranting
is equivalent to.

Clearly you don't understand numerical programming. While VB is not
significantly worse than most other procedural languages for numerical
programming, it ain't APL or FORTRAN . . . or MatLab.

Harlan Grove

I don't disagree that PHP is the bomb.. it has very impressive performance
at least.. i just dont' think that there is a lot of room for 20 different
programming languages out there.. VB has the Microsoft developers

There are many more than 20 heavily used languages out there.

VB may have Windows shop database developers aside from those who maintain
xBase apps (Microsoft still sells Fox Pro).

As a practical matter, ignoring mainframes, the main languages are C/C++
(until OSs and major commercial apps - like your favorite, Access - are
written in something else, live with this fact), Java, Perl, PHP, FORTRAN
and VB. All of these *except* VB are widely used on Windows and *x OSs, and
I suspect most are widely used on Macs.
VB has the marketshare, VB has the right tools.

It is ridiculous that talk about other languages.

Since you don't have a clue about numerical programming, not surprising
you'd believe this.
The other languages that you guys need to be concerned with are SQL and MDX.

Those are the important languages.

To you.

Harlan Grove

the right platforms?

there is only one platform.

it is called Windows.

Not a surprise. If you can't see past databases as the be-all and end-all of
application development, why expect you to realize there are other OSs.

To repeat, most web servers run some flavor or descendant of Unix.
TPC.org-- until just recently when Oracle 10g (and also then Power5
processors) came out; Microsoft SQL Server had every performance record..

What performance records? Do you expect anyone to believe SQL Server could
outperform an enterprise class IBM mainframe running DB2?
i worked on a 5tb database at Microsoft; and I never had a single report
that took longer than a second.

Indeed! That'd mean that either you were selecting a very small set of
records or the database was running on machines with disk drives with
terabyte transfer rates (assuming record length wasn't trivially short).
We had 150gb of data per day. We scrubbed the data; denormalized it and
stored slices of it.. We obviously couldn't afford to keep 1.2 TB of raw
data every week.. But this db ran like a charm!!!

You have no experience with (or perhaps understanding of) banks or insurance
companies. Or with tapes. There are businesses that are legally required to
retain all customer transaction records for years.

Harlan Grove

VBA and VB isn't just for 'novice developers'

the .net framework evened the playing field; and anyone that tells you
different is a C geek and needs to be put out of thier misery LoL

Do you know what the .Net framework is? It's a virtual machine that executes
virtual machine code. That does mean that VB.Net code should be able to run
as fast as comparable C# or Perl.Net or whatever other .Net language you
choose to use. It doesn't mean that .Net code will run as fast as native
hardware machine code. It also doesn't mean .Net code can make use of third
party libraries compiled into native hardware machine code.

That leaves the syntactic and semantic aspects of the languages. On an
aesthetic level I don't like VB. I find it too verbose, and substring
operations are klunky. C (dunno about C#) and Perl have better control
structures. Perl has more built-in data structures. Nearly all other
languages are available on other OSs. VB is Windows only. I realize that
doesn't matter to you, but you're so short-sighted about software your
opinion doesn't really count.

Harlan Grove

Millions of linux and bsd users?

To the extent most web servers run under some Unix variant or descendant,
there are probably hundreds of millions of people who make use of systems
running those OSs.

To the extent Mac OS X is based on the Mach kernel and carries with it the
standard complement of /bin tools and utilities, most Mac users could be
called Unix users. It's certainly more accurate to call them Unix users than
Windows users.
Of course, you're an AOL kid so that explains your socialist leanings..

You don't understand that just because I use an AOL e-mail address doesn't
necessarily mean I use AOL more than infrequently? Actually, AOL and most
web-based e-mail systems have huge advantages: they can't run viruses
embedded in HTML-format e-mail.

Both equally accurate assertions. You're 0 for 2. No reason to expect your
streak will end.

Harlan Grove

No they don't.
Really? Does MDX include all the engineering functions like BETAINV and
MMULT or (this be nasty) TRANSPOSE?

Just checked


While MDX does provide various numeric functions beginning with LinReg, they
look like single dimensional linear regression. Also appears to be no way to
force zero intercept during calculation. Also no log regression. Hardly
replacements for Excel's LINEST and LOGEST.

No engineering functions. No stats distribution functions. No matrix
arithmetic functions. While it provides Avg and Median, it doesn't provide
Mode. Didn't see NPV or IRR or most of Excel's financial functions either.

For the limited, simple reports it seems you produce, it's no wonder you've
confused yourself into believing that MDX provides full Excel calculation
functionality. Too bad you're wrong. Also a pity you lack either the
initiative or the wit to have checked the MDX function listing against the
functions Excel provides before making your erroneous claims.


VBA and VB isn't just for 'novice developers'

the .net framework evened the playing field; and anyone that tells you
different is a C geek and needs to be put out of thier misery LoL

I did not say that VBA is *just* for novice developers. What I can say
is that many people in my company in non-programmer positions can
quickly pick up VBA scripting to automate tasks in Excel and otherwise
extend it. That's one of the things VBA was designed for, and it does
it well.

Bill Sharpe

you are the biggest idiot i've ever met in my life.

Have you looked in a mirror lately?
is there a bootcamp for 'how to be a jackass beancounter and re-create
same report by hand every week'?

I've never counted beans in my life or re-created spreadsheets weekly. I
don't use spreadsheets for reports. but I do use them extensively for
finances and tracking small inventories.
hahaha where you gonna go when you hit the 64k limit buddy?

A 30-year monthly amortization table only takes up 360 lines in Excel.

Please don't rant so, Aaron



Harlan said:
That leaves the syntactic and semantic aspects of the languages. On an
aesthetic level I don't like VB. I find it too verbose, and substring
operations are klunky. C (dunno about C#) and Perl have better control
structures. Perl has more built-in data structures. Nearly all other
languages are available on other OSs. VB is Windows only. I realize that
doesn't matter to you, but you're so short-sighted about software your
opinion doesn't really count.

Regarding syntax, I like the fact that VB and its distant relative
Fortran do not need semicolons to terminate statements or curly braces
for blocks. C lacks the exponentiation operator of those two.
Dynamically allocating a 3D array is simple in VB or Fortran

dim x() as double
redim x(n1,n2,n3)

Fortran 90:
real, allocatable :: x:),:,:)
allocate x(n1,n2,n3)

mess involving pointers to pointers to pointers

C is a lower level language than VB or Fortran. It is good for writing
an operating system or compiler.

Harlan Grove

Regarding syntax, I like the fact that VB and its distant relative
Fortran do not need semicolons to terminate statements or curly braces
for blocks. C lacks the exponentiation operator of those two.
Dynamically allocating a 3D array is simple in VB or Fortran

Semicolons allow for obfuscated code - multiple statements on a single line
of source code or single statements spread over multiple lines. Not for
everyone. And semicolons as statement terminators (C) are less of a pain
than optional colons as statement separators (VB).

With regard to braces in C, the alternative in VB makes newlines following
'Then' part of the syntax, and the block ending with 'End If'. Actually,
it's C's for and while loops that I find much better than their equivalents
in other languages, not to mention C's continue statement.

As for arrays, that's one of C's weaknesses unless dimensions are fixed.
When dimensions are fixed, nothing beats its efficiency (except, perhaps,
assembly language). When they're not fixed, then sensible programmers use
libraries of array types and functions.
C is a lower level language than VB or Fortran. It is good for writing
an operating system or compiler.

One of its better descriptions is structured assembly language.

Harald Staff

Hi Harlan

I know you're a clever guy, so your postings here can't possibly be written
to enlighten the OP. So on behalf of us readers, thanks for interesting

.... and where did this unbelievable patience come from ? If it's liquid,
save some for me... <g>

Best wishes Harald


you can do mode.

mdx and olap can do anything that excel can do.

im sorry that you think that these things are SOOOOO complicated

get off your high horse-- this is basic math kid

you can do all of that engineering COS, TAN type stuff on the SQL Side
without a problem

RE: "No matrix
arithmetic functions. "

MDX stands for multiple-dimensional expressions.. if you're really trying to
claim that i can't build a 2-dimensional matrix and do whatever i want-- I
can build matrixs with 127 different dimensions.. i can build a matrix--
that instead of just going up/down and left/right-- i can go in 127
different directions

Can you build a 3-dimensional matrix in Excel?? A pivot

you can't do a damn thing with more than 3 or 4 dimensions... i throw around
billions of records in 20 directions before breakfast every day.

i'm sorry that you think that Excel is all powerful; get out into the real

You can do any of that stuff that you can in excel thru either

SQL Server

Anyone that tells you otherwise is trying to sell you anything

Using a database you can:

a) store your business logic in one place instead of in files
b) reuse numbers instead of copying them around
c) build reports that can take parameters - Excel sucks for that sort of
d) report on financial, engineering-- anything that you want to do

And here is a listing from SQL Server Books Online:
Excel Functions
Microsoft® SQL ServerT 2000 Analysis Services supports many functions in the
Microsoft Excel worksheet library, which is automatically registered if
installed on the computer with Analysis Services. Functions not supported in
this release are marked by an asterisk in this table.


Acos Acosh And *Application
Asc Asin Asinh Atan2
Atanh AveDev Average BetaDist
BetaInv BinomDist Ceiling ChiDist
ChiInv ChiTest Choose Clean
Combin Confidence Correl Cosh
Count CountA *CountBlank *CountIf
Covar *Creator CritBinom *DAverage
Days360 Db Dbcs *DCount
*DCountA Ddb Degrees DevSq
*DGet *DMax *DMin Dollar
*DProduct *DStDev *DStDevP *DSum
*DVar *DVarP Even ExponDist
Fact FDist Find FindB
FInv Fisher FisherInv Fixed
Floor Forecast *Frequency FTest
Fv GammaDist GammaInv GammaLn
GeoMean *Growth HarMean *HLookup
HypGeomDist *Index Intercept Ipmt
Irr IsErr IsError IsLogical
IsNA IsNonText IsNumber Ispmt
IsText Kurt Large *LinEst
Ln Log Log10 *LogEst
LogInv LogNormDist *Lookup Match
Max *MDeterm Median Min
*MInverse MIrr *MMult Mode
NegBinomDist NormDist NormInv NormSDist
NormSInv NPer Npv Odd
Or *Parent Pearson Percentile
PercentRank Permut Pi Pmt
Poisson Power Ppmt Prob
Product Proper Pv Quartile
Radians *Rank Rate Replace
ReplaceB Rept Roman Round
RoundDown RoundUp RSq Search
SearchB Sinh Skew Sln
Slope Small Standardize StDev
StDevP StEyx Substitute *Subtotal
Sum *SumIf SumProduct SumSq
SumX2MY2 SumX2PY2 SumXMY2 Syd
Tanh TDist Text TInv
Transpose *Trend Trim TrimMean
TTest USDollar Var VarP
Vdb *VLookup Weekday Weibull

And it's funny.. i looked up about linest.. I think that it is hilarious
that you would WANT to get an array from a function.. The bottom line is
that sub-queries are a LOT more powerful than arrays..

If you weren't SCARED TO BE SEEN AS A DATABASE DEVELOPER you would know

And don't go about calling me one-dimensional.. you're the idiot the
recreates the same report by hand every week LOL


ps - linest sux anyways you can't even do a 15-digit number???

KB Q277585




OF DOLLARS (sorry it's euros now huh?)

i just think that it's funny that there are actually grown up people out
there that think that Excel is ALL THAT

it was all that-- but it hasn't gone anywhere in the past 10 years; no
innovation; other than Office Web Components (an ActiveX control where you
beancounters can have a familiar pivot interface for consuming OLAP data)


but what happens if you're using a spreadsheet; and you're sitting pretty at
40k rows and finally your company comes out with a bunch of new products and
changes a bunch of management.. they say that they need this report to
include salesperson and commission.

you dont KNOW when you're going to hit the 64k limit; so it's in your best
interests to avoid _ANY_ handicapped client.

you can't forecast your needs-- which is why it is MUCH more efficient to
develop using MSDE (don't worry its' just like SQL Server, but you can put
it on your laptop)

so that you can grow to millions of records without stressing out when your
boss asks you to change your report.

I just don't like how it is impossible to get all of the logic out of a
spreadsheet-- it is impossible to find errors, it is impossible to GROW your
solution so that it can include other areas.

All you do with Excel is cut and paste; and I think that it's hilarious that
grownsup think that this is an efficent solution.

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