Why? It's driving me nuts!



I'm using Vista Ultimate. My PC has a E6600 Intel Core 2 Duo CPU and 2gb
800mhz DDR2 Memory on an Intel D975XBX2 motherboard. The hard drive is a
seagate 300gb SATA hardrive with 16mb cache. This is not a hardware problem
Windows Explorer shows it to be Windows Explorer and Media Player that
causing this problem.

Whenever I create a video (avi, mpeg, whatever) file Windows Explorer has to
scan through the enite file before it will let me open. Then even after
waiting for Explorer to do that for several minutes, Windows Media player
also insists on reading through the entire file before opening it. I have
tried turming off Indexing service and also Superfetch but that makes no
difference. And I can't turn off Explorer obviously. What can I do to chnage
this behavior?

When you work with video all day long these delays become unbareble! Someone


Not Me

Many times it is not the OS, but your AV.
In antivirus, do you have...scan before opening checked?


Well I'm not using an anti-virus program at present. But I am using Windows
Defender. I'll try turning that off and see if that's it. Thanks for the



might try changing the customization of the folder to something other than movie/video/photo file types.
right click on folder. select Properties, then Customize tab and use the drop down menu.
also selecting a view of details may help a little as well.

(e-mail address removed)

I'm using Vista Ultimate. My PC has a E6600 Intel Core 2 Duo CPU and 2gb
800mhz DDR2 Memory on an Intel D975XBX2 motherboard. The hard drive is a
seagate 300gb SATA hardrive with 16mb cache. This is not a hardware problem
Windows Explorer shows it to be Windows Explorer and Media Player that
causing this problem.

Whenever I create a video (avi, mpeg, whatever) file Windows Explorer has to
scan through the enite file before it will let me open. Then even after
waiting for Explorer to do that for several minutes, Windows Media player
also insists on reading through the entire file before opening it. I have
tried turming off Indexing service and also Superfetch but that makes no
difference. And I can't turn off Explorer obviously. What can I do to chnage
this behavior?

When you work with video all day long these delays become unbareble! Someone


Adam Albright

might try changing the customization of the folder to something other than movie/video/photo file types.
right click on folder. select Properties, then Customize tab and use the drop down menu.
also selecting a view of details may help a little as well.

If something is broke, your solution is just turn it off? Don't you
think people who work with video would benefit from seeing thumbnails
of their videos? Admit Windows Explorer is fatally flawed, has been
for over a decade at least and it seems Microsoft either doesn't know
how to fix it or doesn't give a rat's ass how poorly it performs.

Explorer is so damn dumb in Vista it will frequently rescan the entire
contents of some folder if you copy/move a file to it in some stupid
attempt to keep the contents in order DURING the copy or move. It
further shows how dumb it's programming is since it will stop to try
to resort during the copy/move operation instead of waiting until it
is finishing with that task in effect going back to the beginning and
start over. That's simply sloppy programming. If you copy five files,
it may do this five times during the copy phase. If you try to move 50
files, dumb as dirt Vista will try 50 times and so on. How this bow
wow ever got out the door is the real question.

I have at least a dozen applications that are capable of generating
thumbnails of videos. NONE of them are as dumb as Vista. None of them
re scan the folder during a copy or move operation. None of them are
as slow as Vista either.

Just for the heck of it I copied 10 videos first using Vista then
using XnView. In the time it took Vista to copy two files XnView
copied all ten and made thumbnails for each of them.


NO ONE asked about seeing thumbnails.
the OP was asking about the delay in opening folders.

learn to read.

(e-mail address removed)

might try changing the customization of the folder to something other than movie/video/photo file types.
right click on folder. select Properties, then Customize tab and use the drop down menu.
also selecting a view of details may help a little as well.

If something is broke, your solution is just turn it off? Don't you
think people who work with video would benefit from seeing thumbnails
of their videos? Admit Windows Explorer is fatally flawed, has been
for over a decade at least and it seems Microsoft either doesn't know
how to fix it or doesn't give a rat's ass how poorly it performs.

Explorer is so damn dumb in Vista it will frequently rescan the entire
contents of some folder if you copy/move a file to it in some stupid
attempt to keep the contents in order DURING the copy or move. It
further shows how dumb it's programming is since it will stop to try
to resort during the copy/move operation instead of waiting until it
is finishing with that task in effect going back to the beginning and
start over. That's simply sloppy programming. If you copy five files,
it may do this five times during the copy phase. If you try to move 50
files, dumb as dirt Vista will try 50 times and so on. How this bow
wow ever got out the door is the real question.

I have at least a dozen applications that are capable of generating
thumbnails of videos. NONE of them are as dumb as Vista. None of them
re scan the folder during a copy or move operation. None of them are
as slow as Vista either.

Just for the heck of it I copied 10 videos first using Vista then
using XnView. In the time it took Vista to copy two files XnView
copied all ten and made thumbnails for each of them.

Adam Albright

NO ONE asked about seeing thumbnails.
the OP was asking about the delay in opening folders.

learn to read.

If I want to comment on Vista's shortcomings I don't need the
permission of some smart ass punk like you to do so. Understand fool?

Well if not, learn.

Adam Albright

"...and another one bites he dust..." P L O N K !

Yep, another immature crybaby that just has to announce to the world
they plonked somebody. Very adult of you. Not!

cquirke (MVP Windows shell/user)

On Sun, 24 Jun 2007 05:30:00 -0700, Flagreen
Well I'm not using an anti-virus program at present. But I am using Windows
Defender. I'll try turning that off and see if that's it.

You're brave ;-)
"Not Me" wrote:

This does sound like some wretched persistent handler that fiddles
with content on the fly. Does it happen if you view a list of such
files without selecting any of them? Or when you select one, but
don't do anything else? Or only when you "open" one?

If there are more yesses than nos, I'd download Nirsoft's Shell
Extension Viewer and use that to carefully and reversibly disable
shell extensoins, starting with those that are not from Microsoft.

Nirsoft are best reached via www.nirsoft.net (not .com)

-------------------- ----- ---- --- -- - - - -
Tip Of The Day:
To disable the 'Tip of the Day' feature...

cquirke (MVP Windows shell/user)

Windows Explorer is fatally flawed, has been for over a decade
at least and it seems Microsoft either doesn't know how to fix it
or doesn't give a rat's ass how poorly it performs.

It's always flaawed, but the flaws vary :)

One persistent design safety failure is duhfault settings that hide
file name extensions - and these duhfaults are applied in "safe" mode.

If icons are to be the "easy" replacement for .ext as a risk
prediction, then this is brain dead too; the most dangerous file types
can set their icon to whatever they like.

Vista does make one improvement, though. When renaming a file,
Vista's initial selection (and therefore what is replaced when you
start typing the name) now excludes the file name extension. You can
still change it if you want, but you no longer have to deliberately
avoid changing it by accident, as you do in older Windows.
Explorer is so damn dumb in Vista it will frequently rescan the entire
contents of some folder if you copy/move a file to it in some stupid
attempt to keep the contents in order DURING the copy or move.

In general, there seems to be too much per-item overhead that scales
poorly when you use NTFS's ability to efficiently store many thousands
of files in a single directory. It feels like they did their testing
with trivially-small "demo" file sets, and didn't factor in things
that slow down storage access that magnify the impact.

There's also the need to protect against race conditions, given that
the trend in Windows Explorer is towards more concurrancy. If it were
a database, it would be like going from database locking (no two
entities can update the same database at the same time) to record
locking to field locking.

For example, in Win95, the destination window for file system changes
could not be used until the operation ended; this changed with Win98.

The overhead was intolerable in the Vista betas, and is still onerous
but less horrific in RTM. But optimization gains may be eroded if
race conditions need re-kludging of code to fix.

I also dislike unsolicited file "groping", as this exposes the OS to
exploits from material I have shown no intention to "open". File
"gropers" include indexers, thumbnailers, handlers that kick in when
files are listed within a folder, and when files are selected.

As it is, it is so slow that one gives up on the shell entirely and
does file ops from command line instead - which is like regressing all
the way back to DOS. That was often a necessity in Win98+IE6...


....due to a bug that never got fixed.

It's hard to take an OS seriously, when simply copying files around is
too buggy to use. Some enhancements in Vista I like, tho:
- show destination and action as tooltip when dragging-and-dropping
- more effective ways to avoid nags during bulk ops
- the "breadcrumbs" address bar navigation

BTW, another buggy situation seems to arise when Shadow Copy is
involved, e.g. while you are being nagged to do a backup, you may find
files you are copying, are copied twice. You get an unexpected
"...exists, overwrite?" and a Yes causes everything to be copied twice
(though only one set of files will result at the destination).

--------------- ----- ---- --- -- - - -
Error Messages Are Your Friends

cquirke (MVP Windows shell/user)

On Sun, 24 Jun 2007 17:22:56 -0500, "mikeyhsd"
NO ONE asked about seeing thumbnails.
the OP was asking about the delay in opening folders.

Thumbnail management bay be part of that problem.
learn to read.

--------------- ------- ----- ---- --- -- - - - -
When your mind goes blank, remember to turn down the sound


you seem to be the BIGGEST CRY BABY around her.
so called professional who failed to do its homework and screwed its computers up.
now WHINES AND WHINES all day every day.

(e-mail address removed)

"...and another one bites he dust..." P L O N K !

Yep, another immature crybaby that just has to announce to the world
they plonked somebody. Very adult of you. Not!


if you wish to comment on vista problems then by all means do so in a ubantu linux forum.
you apparently do not have enough intelligence to communicate here.

WHINEY WHINEY cry baby screwed up its computer with all its intelligence and now all it can do is WHINE WHINE WHINE.

(e-mail address removed)

NO ONE asked about seeing thumbnails.
the OP was asking about the delay in opening folders.

learn to read.

If I want to comment on Vista's shortcomings I don't need the
permission of some smart ass punk like you to do so. Understand fool?

Well if not, learn.

Adam Albright

On Sun, 24 Jun 2007 11:30:12 -0500, Adam Albright

It's always flaawed, but the flaws vary :)

Very refreshing to see a MVP not sugar coating Vista flaws and telling
it like it is. we need a lot MORE of this kind of posting! Thanks for
sharing and taking the time to give some insights.

Adam Albright

you seem to be the BIGGEST CRY BABY around her.
so called professional who failed to do its homework and screwed its computers up.
now WHINES AND WHINES all day every day.

Hey, what makes a dim bulb like you think I screwed my computer up?
Just because I can easily articulate Vista's flaws and de-geek what's
happening and explain it in plain English doesn't mean I can't work
around problems or that they stop me, just the opposite is true.

I find fakers like you funny. Are you going to tell us again that
you've been back to Microsoft's campus to pretend you're rubbing
shoulders with their engineers and share ideas again? That was one of
your more funny whoppers you tried to sell us awhile back. I'm still

Adam Albright

if you wish to comment on vista problems then by all means do so in a ubantu linux forum.
you apparently do not have enough intelligence to communicate here.

Speaking of intelligence, (or in your case a shocking lack of any) you
don't have enough common sense to know how to set your news reader
application to a normal line length preferring instead to let the crap
your post run almost double the normal posting width that's commonly
accepted as normal.

Next time your need you ask kicked, just step up.


you have admitted it numerous times.
bragging about your superior computer knowledge which you apparently have NONE of.

(e-mail address removed)

you seem to be the BIGGEST CRY BABY around her.
so called professional who failed to do its homework and screwed its computers up.
now WHINES AND WHINES all day every day.

Hey, what makes a dim bulb like you think I screwed my computer up?
Just because I can easily articulate Vista's flaws and de-geek what's
happening and explain it in plain English doesn't mean I can't work
around problems or that they stop me, just the opposite is true.

I find fakers like you funny. Are you going to tell us again that
you've been back to Microsoft's campus to pretend you're rubbing
shoulders with their engineers and share ideas again? That was one of
your more funny whoppers you tried to sell us awhile back. I'm still


my news reader is set to perform exactly as I like it.
it is yours that is having problems.
and of course with your superior computer smarts you do not know how to fix it.


(e-mail address removed)

if you wish to comment on vista problems then by all means do so in a ubantu linux forum.
you apparently do not have enough intelligence to communicate here.

Speaking of intelligence, (or in your case a shocking lack of any) you
don't have enough common sense to know how to set your news reader
application to a normal line length preferring instead to let the crap
your post run almost double the normal posting width that's commonly
accepted as normal.

Next time your need you ask kicked, just step up.

Adam Albright

you have admitted it numerous times.
bragging about your superior computer knowledge which you apparently have NONE of.

Having it and bragging about it, are two different things kid. You'll
never know what I do.

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