Why is my friend's attachment automatically deleted?



I just got a new Toshiba computer with Windows Vista. I have always opened
this attachment through outlook in the past with no problems. For some
reason Outlook is deleting this attachment and just posting it in the body of
the e-mail that comes out gibberish code inside the e-mail. The e-mail
doesn't show as having an attachment. They aren't doing anything different.
I am not having any problems with other e-mail attachments that come through
- only this one. Help?


Is this message in a POP3 Personal Folders File or is it on a server
somewhere? Did you transfer your data to the new computer, and if so, how?
Perhaps the attachment was corrupted.


yes POP3 personal file in Outlook. I could see it happening once, however, a
brand new attachment with updated information was sent (it is a excel
spreadsheet). I get these updated spreadsheets once a week - never had a
problem with my old computer and windows XP. I believe it has something to
do with Vista thinking perhaps the file is corrupt or encrypted and as a
security measure isn't allowing it through. Just my guess, I just don't know
how to change that setting or where it might be.


Unfortunately I have not made the leap to Vista yet, so I have no idea. You
might want to repost your question and specify up from that the attachment is
not working in Vista whereas it worked under XP. Someone using Vista might
be better able to help.

Brian Tillman

Cyndi Summers said:
I just got a new Toshiba computer with Windows Vista. I have always
opened this attachment through outlook in the past with no problems.
For some reason Outlook is deleting this attachment and just posting
it in the body of the e-mail that comes out gibberish code inside the

If you're not using Outlook 2007, this seems to be a known problem with
Outlook on Vista.


Thank you anyway!

Jocelyn Fiorello said:
Unfortunately I have not made the leap to Vista yet, so I have no idea. You
might want to repost your question and specify up from that the attachment is
not working in Vista whereas it worked under XP. Someone using Vista might
be better able to help.

Jocelyn Fiorello

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