Why does explorer.exe suck up so much cpu%?



Sometimes explorer.exe sucks up anywhere from 50% - 95% of my cpu power. It
never stops...once it sucks a high percentage, it stays that way until I
terminate the program and restart it. What could be causing this? Is it
simply a bug with explorer.exe?

John Mc

Hi Borgholio,

No expert here, so perhaps wait for more replies,
but try a few of the following clean-up operations first.
1) Empty your 'temp' files
2) Empty your 'temporary internet' files
3) Empty your 'recycle bin'
4) Run a disk defragmentation program on all your drives

This should help if not cure.
John Mc


It seems to happen most often after a large operation...such as copying a
multi-gig file, or running a network-wide search.


lindsay said:
had very little disk space. in the end i had to crash my
computer though, at start up, do u get a blue screen
telling you to press any key? if not, than it is
mostlikely low disc space, if yes, then u might have a big

No crashes or blue screens...disc space is fine. It's not a big problem
either, just annoying. :)

Alex Nichol

Borgholio said:
Sometimes explorer.exe sucks up anywhere from 50% - 95% of my cpu power.It
never stops...once it sucks a high percentage, it stays that way until I
terminate the program and restart it.

It may be another case of it looking in the files for information
regarding things like Author, Titles, Artist, resolution. See if it
tends to happen with AVI files - it is suspect ed that DivX ones may
have this formatted differently in a way that sends explorer into loops
(and results in them being undeletable, because they are 'in use' - by


Borgholio said:
Sometimes explorer.exe sucks up anywhere from 50% - 95% of my cpu power. It
never stops...once it sucks a high percentage, it stays that way until I
terminate the program and restart it.

It may be another case of it looking in the files for information
regarding things like Author, Titles, Artist, resolution. See if it
tends to happen with AVI files - it is suspect ed that DivX ones may
have this formatted differently in a way that sends explorer into loops
(and results in them being undeletable, because they are 'in use' - by

Yeah it does happen with video files...not sure if they're DivX encoded

Alex Nichol

Borgholio said:
Yeah it does happen with video files...not sure if they're DivX encoded

Try in regedit File - exporting (so you can put them back) and then
removing the PersistentHandler and Shellex subkeys of

This will remove the 'preview' facilities and should confirm if that is
the trouble. (And if it should be necessary, at other keys like .mpg
or .wmv, though I don't think they are so susceptible)

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