when will MS address other media extenders



Is it me, or are there a lot of people unhappy with Vista? Is it
unreasonable for the public to expect a "more" polished product as time (and
versions) goes by?

Back to the subject, when is MS going to allow media center to stream to
"other" media extenders? I'd use SageTV (which works great on XP), but
because of a TCP/IP issue with Vista, it doesn't work. So, if they (SageTV)
can't get it to work (either due to lack of cooperation on MS' part or
stupidity of their own), when will MS?

Paul Smith

Robert said:
Is it me, or are there a lot of people unhappy with Vista? Is it
unreasonable for the public to expect a "more" polished product as time
(and versions) goes by?

What do you base that on? These newsgroups? Check out the XP groups, or
any OS forum on the internet. You don't find people who don't have problems
posting that everything is OK.
Back to the subject, when is MS going to allow media center to stream to
"other" media extenders? I'd use SageTV (which works great on XP), but
because of a TCP/IP issue with Vista, it doesn't work. So, if they
(SageTV) can't get it to work (either due to lack of cooperation on MS'
part or stupidity of their own), when will MS?

You need a V2 extender (like the Xbox 360) to use Media Center Extender on
Vista, the V1 extenders were only compatible for Windows XP. If this is
something that could be updated via firmware I don't know.

Paul Smith,
Yeovil, UK.
Microsoft MVP Windows Shell/User.

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Paul Smith said:
What do you base that on? These newsgroups? Check out the XP groups, or
any OS forum on the internet. You don't find people who don't have
problems posting that everything is OK.

You need a V2 extender (like the Xbox 360) to use Media Center Extender on
Vista, the V1 extenders were only compatible for Windows XP. If this is
something that could be updated via firmware I don't know.

Paul Smith,
Yeovil, UK.
Microsoft MVP Windows Shell/User.

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I base it on personal observation. I work with people, I speak with people,
I am friends with people, that are all disappointed with Vista. Most of
them, not my opinion, feel it has a lot of initial "wow," but eventually is
more trouble than the "wow" is worth.

I won't even go into what I've seen on NG's. And, I didn't say I was
dissatisfied with Vista. I was just asking.

As an example of the "more polished" comment: My ex-boss always used to
tell me that I was, in general, way too tolerant of the shortcomings of
software. He, on the other hand, expected a product to work when he bought
it. His words not mine.

I'm sorry, perhaps you didn't understand me, I was asking when Vista could
be expected to work with "other" media extenders. I already knew that it
worked with Xboxes.

Ian Betts

Your Boss was not someone I would like to work for, higher that normal

Vista like any software of any description is going to have people who can't
or won't be bother to learn. Like your Boss, if it don't work its crap.

Software needs to be learnt. Vista performs somewhat differently to XP, as
XP did to 98. It will have some bugs of course because no software is
totally free of them but like XP before they will get sorted and millions
will use Vista as they did XP when it first arrived.


Maybe his boss has a better than average business sense :)

We are not at the school learning things for fun or slef-improvements. If a
software doesn't work as its intended purpose out of the box, it's a crap.

Remember, every minute we spent (myself included) costs money which
ultimately tranfers into our pay raise, bonus check, health insurance, and
so on.

If we don't have that kind of common sense, maybe we don't deserve to ask
for a pay raise next time :)

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