When is Microsoft going to fix this rubbish with file copy?



This is completely unacceptable.
Never mind the lack of support for common or garden software, which they
have limited control over I admit, until this rubbsih with simple operations
like file copy and file move is fixed, the OS is completely unusable. It's
beyond comprehension that this got thru alpha testing, let alone full
release. Downloading an 8MB file from a remote server to my XP machine over
my 2MB ADSL connection is quicker than copying a file from another machine on
my 100MB LAN to this Vista piece of garbage.

A fix for this has to be the top priority on the list.

Mark Shirley

Disable advanced user accounts, from the controll pannel and you wont get
the pain in the ass messages, or at least i think thats how i did it on
i got mine to revert to the XP way of copy like that i think! was many weeks


Mark Shirley

Also, mission from my previous. UPDATE THE DRIVERS
I can copy over LAN at 11.29MBPS but only with the latest intel driver sets,
on the wireless i can get about 4.9 @ 54MBPS Connection

Steve Thackery

I don't think Gary is complaining about the UAC messages. I think he's
complaining about the unbelievably slow file transfers between Vista
machines (or a Vista and an XP machine) over the LAN.

Strangely, it doesn't affect the file transfer speed from the Internet.
Gary is dead right: it is actually quicker to upload a file from my laptop
to my website, and then download it to my workstation using IE, than it is
to move the file directly between the two machines!

Still, I'm sure it'll be fixed in due course. But it does seem strange that
it got through beta testing, I agree.



I occasionally see these messages about slow inter and intra machine file
transfers in Vista but have not been able to duplicate the issue on the
several test machines here. There is obviously a subset of users who have
this problem with Vista, but I'm danged if I can figure out why. It's
probably beyond the scope of this thread, but it would be interesting to see
if those who have the problem have something in common in their
configurations -- third party AV or firewall software, security settings,

Andy Pritchard

Apparently there is a bug in the feature 'Remote Differential Compression'
and this should be turned off

Control Panel / Add Remove Programs / Turn off Windows features -> Untick
Remote Differential Compression.

Also untick any other windows features that you will not use



That was it !

Thanks a lot.


Andy Pritchard said:
Apparently there is a bug in the feature 'Remote Differential Compression'
and this should be turned off

Control Panel / Add Remove Programs / Turn off Windows features -> Untick
Remote Differential Compression.

Also untick any other windows features that you will not use



Gary said:
This is completely unacceptable.
Never mind the lack of support for common or garden software, which they
have limited control over I admit, until this rubbsih with simple
like file copy and file move is fixed, the OS is completely unusable.
It's beyond comprehension that this got thru alpha testing, let alone full
release. Downloading an 8MB file from a remote server to my XP machine
over my 2MB ADSL connection is quicker than copying a file from another
machine on my 100MB LAN to this Vista piece of garbage.

A fix for this has to be the top priority on the list.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with Vista. I think it's the greatest
operating system Microsoft ever made. If there's a problem, it's the guy
located between the chair and the keyboard. Microsoft spent billions
developing this great operating system. Maybe you just don't have the right
computer or not enough RAM? Maybe you need to defrag your hard drive?

Doris Day

The "Wow" starts now.

"No sane person wants Vista, so Microsoft is making sure they have no

Isaac Hunt

I didn't know this, shame MS hasn't fixed it.
But i'll file it away incase I lose my marbles & install Vista again.

Bill Yanaire

I think the nurse has been looking for you. She said you have missed your


ROTFLOL - (Rolling on the floor laughing out loud)

I am glad someone has something good to say to that post. Evidently that
person is not using the same Vista I am.

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